Open Thread – Christine O’Donnell (perhaps) not done wrecking the DEGOP

Filed in Open Thread by on September 8, 2012

I didn’t watch the whole interview, but I caught O’Donnell on Bill Maher responding to the question, “Are you going to run for office again?” with…


Then her segment was over. She didn’t have the chance to expand on her response.

“Perhaps, …if I can find enough suckers to pay my rent for a while.”

“Perhaps, …if a rank amateur like Rose Izzo can get paid, why shoudln’t I?”

“Perhaps, …if the Delaware GOP is as defunct as everyone says it is.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. WWB says:

    Maybe Christine the friendly “not a witch” has figured out that she stands a better chance of getting elected to something if she moves down here to Sussex. And maybe if Urquhart or Bodenweiser win their primaries she might be thinking more strongly about it. There are several houses for sale in my neighborhood…maybe I’ll have a new neighbor in a few months? She could start small…maybe get on our HOA board, and then the sky’s the limit! Register of Wills, here she comes!!!!

  2. Alex says:

    Register of Wills. I like that. That would be awesome

  3. COD is irrelevant. I was surprised to find her on my TV screen last night.

  4. SussexWatcher says:

    ROW would put her on a collision course with local TP pinup Cindy Green. Maybe AG? You don’t have to be a lawyer, and we know she has extensive expertise on Constitutional issues.

  5. jason330 says:

    Your liberal media: Sunday lineup

    This Week has PAUL RYAN.

    Meet the Press has MITTENS.

    Face the Nation has PAUL RYAN and Plouffe.

  6. Fightingbluehen says:

    I wish I was her agent. I would have her booked with Danny Bonaduce and Tanya Harding on TRUtv. Then she could host multiple Haloween specials like Stella and Elvira used to do. Then maybe a trick or treat show with Martha Stuart. It’s endless. She could make much more money being who she is, rather than pretending to be a politician.

  7. GOPMole says:

    Kovach must be PISSING HIS PANTS.

    Do the voters know Kovach was FIRED from his job and blames it on COD?

  8. Geezer says:

    Care to translate that into English, or do you only speak Smear?

  9. SussexWatcher says:

    I thought it was a reference to Kovach losing his state House seat in 2010 because of the COD backlash.

    Could also refer to him leaving PGS in December 2010, according to his LinkedIn page.

    But I doubt he’s pissing his pants about Izzo. He’s got to know he’s going to get crushed by Carney. Though the first re-election campaign is the best time to challenge an incumbent, Carney hasn’t really stumbled and we’re still a blue state.

    Kovach could probably have held his county seat given the Dem infighting. He could have positioned himself as an ethical counterweight to Gordon (or Clark), providing a good check/balance thing. Odd choice.

  10. Moderate R says:

    Izzo’s youtube commercial where they kidnap voters to them to the polls is the epitome of stupidity. She is as erratic and bizarre as Christine O’Donnell without the cuteness.
    It’s howl at the moon funny.

  11. I think the Kovach campaign has been surprisingly lackluster. The only Republican I see getting any buzz (granted, I live in NCCo) is Valenzuela.

  12. Annie says:

    When the GOP gets behind their nomination winners, then you’ll see improvements in Delaware akin to the Gov. Du Pont days. Until then, you have a fragmented party because those who have been in control keep losing, and they won’t change course to embrace the movement from the South.

  13. Jason330 says:

    tee hee. She said, “…the movement from the South.”

  14. Geezer says:

    Annie: You might be more accurate to say that the “movement from the South” has neither the money nor a platform that appeal to the vastly greater number of Democrats in the state.

    Also, Pete du Pont did not wave a magic wand over the state. He instead gave the state a new race to the bottom that it could and did win.

    This absurd notion that “the GOP” should “get behind” people it doesn’t agree with is one that has been floated for more than a decade now by Mike Protack. By “get behind,” these people mean “give us money.” For the several thousandth time, these people are not going to give large sums of money to people who are going to follow their own courses instead of their donors’. I’m sorry that Tea Parties don’t understand this, but then it merely joins a large list of things they don’t understand.

  15. Brooke says:

    I’d say also that Charlie Copeland has given more money, time, and attention to the teaparty faction than they ever deserved. If that bites him in his expensively suited butt, it’s his problem.