Sher clarifies (?) her abortion stance

Filed in National by on September 8, 2012

“When I needed an abortion I was for it. Now that I don’t need one, I’m against it.”

This is a verbatim grab from Delaware politics. I don’t know who is making this statement, Anderson or Valenzuela, but I think it switches from Anderson speaking to Valenzuela after the first sentence.

Sher clarifies that she is pro-life.
Sep 8th, 2012 by David Anderson

Life is precious. It should be protected at all stages, said Lt. Governor candidate Sher Valenzuela.

In a recent interview, I said that at the time of my abortion I did not have a lot of information, and I wouldn’t make the same decision today.

As the law currently stands, I’m for women having a true choice. To me, that means an informed choice. And as I said in the interview – it is “in that frame, I am pro-choice.” Women should have a real and informed choice today with full and accurate information about this procedure, including, and most importantly, about the pro-life alternatives. If they do not fully know about these alternatives, then they are not able to exercise real choice.

Because I have walked this road myself, I fully empathize with and understand what women in these situations are facing. And it’s because of my own life experiences that I am today fully pro-life.

I support changes in the law that reflect this position, such as requiring parental notification for minors who seek to terminate their pregnancies.

As I have said, I understand the intense emotions women face dealing with these issues. And it is important that we deal with them in a caring and respectful way. That is the heart with which I made my comments, and it is the spirit in which I will continue to conduct my campaign.

I am talking only about the law as it is written today. If I ever had a chance to vote on it, I would vote against abortion.

So, as far as I can make out, she is “pro-choice” in so far as women should only have the ability to “choose” going to term. That is a “choice” she wasn’t forced to make.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. chlorophil says:

    Perhaps its all that flipping and flopping that led to the need for her first abortion?

  2. V says:

    Ew phil. way to keep it classy.

  3. jason330 says:

    In a way this reminds of the time Anderson had to contend with justifying City of Dover pay raises. When reality crashes into wingnut orthodoxy, it isn’t pretty.

  4. chlorophil says:

    flipping and flopping isnt a good image, maybe…Perhaps it was all that back and forth that led to the need for her first abortion?

  5. Dave says:

    Sher’s statement is entirely keeping with her apparently philosophy

    Abortion – for me, but not for thee
    Government business assistance – for me, but not for thee

    Unfortunately today’s ultra conservative philosophy can be decomposed into that single fundamental principle – Something for me, but not for thee.

  6. Levi says:

    I know several women that were very much pro-choice…and then they had abortions. Their opinions changed drastically after they had the abortion. Their views quickly changed and they are now ardent pro-lifers. I know a few other women that had abortions and their views didn’t change at all. But it’s not unheard of for it to change your views on abortion. For many women it’s a very traumatic experience.

  7. Charlie Copeland, Mike Castle and Tom Kovach are homosexuals says:

    So what if Valenzuela is pro-choice. The GOP is so far left they don’t care that Charlie Copeland, Mike Castle and Tom Kovach are homosexuals.

  8. SussexWatcher says:

    They ARE???????????? OMG!!!!!

  9. SussexWatcher says:

    Speaking of Sher, has anyone else noticed how horribly designed her signs are? The most prominent thing on them is the GIANT PICTURE OF HER FACE. Her name is tiny, and the office she’s running for is even tinier. It’s like she’s running for a spot on Delaware Idol.

    Also, it’s interesting that she and Cragg aren’t doing joint campaign signs. Though I can’t remember Republicans doing that very often. I recall Carper/Minner and obviously Markell/Denn. Does anyone with longer memory than I recall Lee/Copeland, Lee/Ursomarso, Burris/Rochford, Rzewnicki/Miller or Scott/Cloutier joint signs?

  10. jason330 says:

    I noticed the glamour shot today. I had no idea that it was a candidate’s sign until I was right up next to it.

  11. puck says:

    Here’s a hot tip for Sher:

    The U.S. Small Business Administration says most small businesses and private non-profits in Delaware’s Sussex County may apply for disaster loans. […]

    Small businesses, agricultural cooperatives, businesses engaged in aquaculture and most private non-profit organizations are eligible to apply.

    Loan amounts can be up to $2 million. The interest rate is 3 percent for non-profit organizations and 4 percent for small businesses.

  12. @ SW–I haven’t seen any Sher signs in NW NCC. I saw one on DE 1 between Dewey & Lewes last weekend, but I didn’t find it any more idiotic than the umpteen million Nick Manolakos signs that litter my home turf. The photo on Nick’s signs is ancient. I met Manolakos about 5 years ago. His hair was salt & pepper then, & it’s more salt than pepper now. His campaign photo portrays him as a 40-something brown-haired dude. It’s at least as dishonest as KWS’ campaign photo.

  13. reis says:

    “Real” choice means for the t-bags that there is “No” choice. Its similar to Akins distinguishing “rape” from “legitimate rape”.

  14. Ronado says:

    Pro-choice is not pro abortion, it is pro women. Every woman is given an opportunity to choose.