The GOP’s biggest loser

Filed in National by on September 8, 2012

Romney stunk up the joint, and limped out of the convention looking more shell shocked than John Voight in the last scene of Deliverance. Clint Eastwood obviously blew a lifetime of brand equity with his stupid bullshit, but for my money the GOP’s biggest loser is New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Christie entered the convention as the next big thing. Republicans, who typically confuse prickly assholishness for toughness, genuinely loved the guy. For people familiar with him, he screwed up by barely mentioning Romney in his keynote while devoting most of his time on extolling the greatness of Chris Christie. For people who were not as familiar with him, they got introduced to a big sweaty, yell-y mess.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. auntie dem says:

    presence n: 5a. A person’s bearing, esp. when it commands respectful attention. b The quality of self-assurance and effectiveness that permits a performer to achieve a rapport with the audience.


  2. Eastwood was brilliant, best in any convention in a dozen years. The act was the conversation which focused the issue on the poor performance of the current administration.

  3. jason330 says:

    Keep telling yourself that.

  4. jenl says:

    It was Romney’s night. Eastwood dominated the news cycle. Big mistake.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    And Eastwood dominated the news cycle in a largely negative way — if the news day is largely around WTF did this guy do? — your guy is losing.

  6. jason330 says:

    When someone finds the first instance of a Republican pundit saying something to the effect of “I never really liked Romney as a candidate anyway.” they win a prize.

  7. Dave says:

    “Eastwood was brilliant, best in any convention in a dozen years”

    Honestly David? Even if you are fan of Eastwood movies (which I am), you should have been embarassed for him as I was. I would have rather that he came out and kicked a__ (Go ahead, make my day) than to have him be seen as a dottering old fool.

    That you saw him as brilliant is very telling. I and the rest of the America were cringing because everyboy likes Eastwood! Are you now adopting Moseley’s paradigm of restructing reality to align with your beliefs?

  8. puck says:

    Republicans won’t make that Eastwood mistake again. Next time they’ll invite Abe Vigoda.

  9. geezer says:

    Dave: I think David was indulging in a little liberal-tweaking there.

    It was no success, that’s for sure. As a former headline writer myself, I’ll always remember the headline, “Aging Actor Debates Chair, Loses”

  10. Another Mike says:

    “Next time they’ll invite Abe Vigoda.”

    Can we elect a Bush, for old times sake?

    Can’t do it, Sally.

  11. WWB says:

    Here’s what a “tough guy” Christie really is. Every year I go to the Meadowlands for The Hambletonian. Some years ago Christy Whitman showed up, and when she was introduced between races she was roundly booed. I’m sure the big boy remembered that. Christie wasn’t there this year to present the trophy for one of the races…he sent his Lt. governor instead. Tough guy my ass.

  12. @WWB–

    A close friend of mine is a Christie fan. He thinks Christie “tells it like it is”.

    My friend is both a Christian and a Republican (I am neither), so I avoid talking politics and religion with him, but he brought up Christie a few months ago, and I was forced to school him on the fact that Christie is just a big fat bully with an awful accent. Anyone who can watch this and still think Christie is anything other than a fat bully needs a lesson in reasoning.

  13. duty says:

    My favorite DEM convention moment was when Sandra Fluke spoke about women’s rights, the war on women, how repubs hate women blah blah blah and then they bring out the world’s most famous womanizer to speak in Bill Clinton. The guy who has habitually exploited women for his own sexual gratification.
    The removal of God from the party platform. Then inserted back in then voted on 3x’s before being approved. Why didn’t they put in the monkeys we evolved from as giving us our monkey given rights.
    The catholic preacher guy who spoke after Obama and prayed for everything that the democrats are against.