Mocking Republicans – Can it go… all… the… way… ?

Filed in National by on September 10, 2012

Check out this stump speech quote:

“That’s because all [the Republicans] got to offer is the same prescriptions that they’ve had for the last 30 years — tax cuts, tax cuts, gut some regulations, oh, and more tax cuts. (Laughter.) Tax cuts when times are good; tax cuts when times are bad. Tax cuts to help you lose a few extra pounds. (Laughter.) Tax cuts to improve your love life. (Laughter.) It will cure anything, according to them.

Great right ? About fucking time too. Let’s mock the fuck out of the stupid bastards currently calling themselves “conservative”. They earned it. Let’s teach children to point and laugh at Grover Norquist

But let’s also be sure that the mocking, derision and beatings continue after November. Let’s not decide that compromise and accommodation are more important that rationality and progress.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Agreed. Let’s also not forget to fix the economy too. Mocking the zombie-eyed granny starvers is a good start. But once we get public opinion firmly back on our side again, we can’t waste it again like we did in 2009-10. We have to execute the legislation. We can’t afford another period of compromise and defying the polls like the first half of the administration.

  2. Jason330 says:

    I have to think that you and I are not the only ones thinking in these terms. If you have of any progressive activism in the works for after the election please pass it along.

  3. Undecided says:

    And the democratic response to everything is more government regulation, more regulation and more regulation. Love life gone bad? We’ll create a government program. People are overweight? we’ll regulate what they can eat. There’s no problem that more government can’t solve because government can provide the perfect life for everyone, whether they want that perfect life or not. After all, liberal democrats know what’s best for everyone.

  4. nemski says:

    After all, liberal democrats know what’s best for everyone.

    Wow, you’re finally getting it.

  5. Geezer says:

    “Love life gone bad? We’ll create a government program.”

    Really? What government program would that be?

    “People are overweight? we’ll regulate what they can eat.”

    The only such program of which I’m aware is the New York City soda size limit. Mayor Michael Bloomberg is, or was, a Republican, and is not a Democrat.

    The Democratic response to everything a conservative says tends to be, “Why don’t you learn something and get back to me later?”

  6. puck says:

    Children dying from poison cough syrup? We’ll regulate it.

    Old folks dying and miserable from disease and starvation? We’ll take care of them.

    Families dying from tainted meat? We’ll inspect it.

    Hmmm… maybe liberals do have a clue.