Delaware Liberal

Secretary Markell?

Politico must have had nothing to write about today, so it chose to speculate on what the second term cabinet will look like. The article opines that Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, fresh off his excellent speech at the DNC, could be the next Attorney General. Either UN Ambassador Susan Rice or Sen. John Kerry will be the next Secretary of State. For Secretary of Education, Politico thinks it could Governor Markell.

Charlie Copeland is already making an issue of this over at his blog, so I am sure Republican gubernatorial nominee Jeff Cragg will too. Markell will likely be forced to make a pledge that he will serve out his second term. And indeed, Markell may have every intention to serving as Governor until 2016. But when the President asks you to serve your country, you don’t say no. Not even Hillary said no.

If the Governor does leave Dover to serve in Washington, I don’t think it will be right away, as in January 2013. It will probably be later in the President’s second term. And if he does leave, that sort of cements the now Governor Denn as the frontrunner in the possible 2016 three way Democratic primary with Attorney General Biden and Treasurer Flowers.

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