Saturday Open Thread [9.15.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 15, 2012

Blake Zeff marvels at President Obama’s affect on his opponents. Romney is being forced to veer away from a more coherent campaign strategy – exactly the same way Hillary Clinton and McCain were in 2008:

[Clinton and McCain] both became so vexed by their inability to puncture [Obama’s] positive image that they lost control of their campaigns against him. Frustrated with their inability to win a single news cycle, their strategy ultimately devolved into a simple determination to score points wherever possible, even when it put them at odds with their original strategy. With Hillary Clinton, a campaign based on superior experience turned to accusations of plagiarism and flip-flopping. In the case of John McCain, a campaign based on patriotism and straight talk came to revolve around a random encounter Obama had with a plumber about taxes (and, in the ultimate demonstration of their anything-to-break-through mentality, Sarah Palin).

And now look at Romney, who set out in the general to focus voters’ attention, with relentless intensity, on the lackluster economy. As a result of losing news cycle after news cycle, he’s now throwing spaghetti, rigatoni, and fettuccine against the wall, and hoping something will stick.

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  1. auntie dem says:

    Character matters and Obama’s character trumps everything Romney throws at him. It was the theme of the convention and it has been the theme of his administration so far. Voters have noticed.

  2. puck says:

    LOL… Feds give anti-Islam film maker the perp walk for the benefit of Arab opinion. No charges were filed, of course. This is America after all.

  3. Tom McKenney says:

    I just got back from Italy wanted to ship back local wines you will never see in the US. Thanks to the greed of the liquor distributors and their corrupt minions, that wasn’t going to happen.

  4. JPconnorjr says:

    Hey Cass, I have been combing the NJ and monitoring the radio and Still no action on that phony baloney photo shopped sign “stealing” picture. How is that “tip” working out for ya?????

  5. Bill Humphrey says:

    While I was canvassing in RD19 today with the DD Coordinated Campaign I met a woman whose twin granddaughters have Diamond-Blackfan anemia. They need blood transfusions every few weeks to survive, and they are one pair of just two pairs of twins worldwide with the disorder. (They look just like every other little girl in Delaware on the outside, but they’re very precarious inside.) She’s trying to help a charity win Chase Community Giving’s contest to get some funds. It’s in the top 10 right now. Thought I would post the link here to see if we can help them out.

  6. chlorophil says:

    John Atkins in another controversy. He took his son on a tour of a prison.

    News Journal.