“Miss Delaware” to appear on Survivor

Filed in National by on September 19, 2012

Somone needs to tell Katie to try and speak in a slightly higher register. But her crackly (vocal fry) voice is just one annoying thing about her. I’m sure Survivor producers will work to expose a bounty of things not to like about our home state miss.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. puck says:

    And you call me grumpy.

  2. V says:

    Well, this post is assy.

    Go Katie!

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Poor Jason hasn’t had fun in years. Perhaps Katie ran across his lawn.

  4. Linda says:

    That is the rudest by-line . . . geez!!

  5. Jason330 says:

    It appears the put on and unnecessarily low voice is a pet peeve of mine. I hope Katie proves me wrong. But I’m not expecting big things from her based on that little clip.

    The over/under for her is 7th out. Anyone?

  6. V says:

    I just didn’t realize vocal fry = statewide embarrassment.

  7. heragain says:

    Other than a regionally shared inability to pronounce consonants, what has the girl done wrong?

    I’m pretty tired of seeing women pointlessly attacked on this blog. How do you know what went into her choosing a speaking voice? Honestly, what a nit to pick.

  8. Linda says:

    I agree . . . change the byline . . . that is being a little too sexist IMO! If that is your basis for your byline?

  9. socialistic ben says:

    so this blog calls men fat, ugly, stupid, __________ all the time, but as soon as a woman is frivolously made fun of, it’s sexist? Gimmie a break.
    Where have all the defenders been every time Andy Reid get’s the wrath? Why no elder abuse champions when we were all making fun of the, now not so senile, Clint Eastwood. Was it necessary for Jason so make fun of her voice? (especially given the other famous person from Delaware…. George Thorogood… has a much raspier voice) no. But i doubt he woke up this morning thinking “gee, i’d really like to be a sexist today”. I mean, im one of the biggest offenders of pointless insults… I just hate double standards.

  10. Jason330 says:

    The over/under for her is 7th out. Anyone? The headline will be changed to protect Linda’s tender feelings.

  11. V says:

    I don’t know about sexist (vocal fry does tend to be a young & female thing, but I’m not really making that leap) but it just struck me as uneccesarily mean. She didn’t say anything out of the ordinary.

    and Ben I guess the difference is that girl isn’t an NFL football coach some other kind of massive celebrity. Granted she’s on tv and putting herself out there for criticism, but I feel like she’s more of a “real person” and likely to see this than any of those people. I guess that why it struck me as more uncessesarily mean than your examples. Plus I just have a soft spot for locals gettnig national attention (Aubrey Plaza, John Gallagher, Joe etc.). Maybe that’s just me.

  12. V says:

    jason i think being pretty and young will give her some longevity, but i’d need to see the layout of the team she’s on.

  13. SussexWatcher says:

    This gets 10 comments instantly but the legislative races post still has 0? This is what’s wrong with America.

  14. V says:

    Thank you SW, now after being fully chastised I will go and educate myself as to your liking.

    Geez, is it grumpy old man day on DL or what?

  15. Jason330 says:

    V, I’m a superfan, and I saw something in that tape. The 7 is a very generous over/under. I’m for locals getting national attention too, but talented ones. I hope I’m wring.

  16. Linda says:

    Thank you Jason you are awesome. I have a daughter her age and I would hate to read that byline. Anyone that brings attention to Delaware like my young friend Aubrey – – I am always proud of! I say she is out at number 9 as I think she will win some challenges.

  17. puck says:

    “Vocal fry” – so that’s what it’s called. I think a little bit of it can be quite appealing. When it happens spontaneously it is an evolutionary signal of nubility, of having young and flexible post-pubescent vocal cords. I agree it can be distracting though, especially if it is a fad done on purpose.

  18. socialistic ben says:

    Britney Spears and Gwen Stefani both do it a lot…. when Britney does it (or anything) i want to rip my eardrums out…. but it sounds good in ska. It also isnt very good for your voice. My biggest problem with this whole article is that Survivor IS STILL FREAKIN ON TV.

  19. hmm says:

    This is ridiculous. She seems like a pretty quintessential Delawarean in that clip. Also like it or not her voice and accent is a pretty authentic “Delaware” accent.

  20. socialistic ben says:

    hmm, you mean a “dul’wr” accent.

  21. puck says:

    I always felt that when vocal fry is done on purpose, it is calculated to evoke a sense of romantic ennui, as in: “I’m just so bored with everything around me, even this very sentence. Doesn’t that make me more interesting? I have advanced sensibilities – Entertain me! but you probably will bore me too.”

  22. Jason330 says:

    Okay – she wasn’t horrible, but probably because she was basically an extra in this first episode. Katie only noteworthy contribution was putting her team way behind in a relay race challenge when she and her partner ran into the woods to get canoe paddles and emerged long after the opposing teams launched their canoes and were half way done with the second leg of the race.