Delaware Liberal

I Thought Republicans Were Against Taxes

It seems that Republicans are only against taxing rich people.  Taxes for the middle class and poor people are apparently a-okay.  Cutting programs that help the poor, the elderly, children and the middle class in order to give the rich more tax cuts is just fine.  This strikes me a quite a shift from the days when the GOP ran against all taxes.

And we need a stronger word that “doubling down” when discussing the Republican views of the 47%.

Mary Matalin: “There are makers and takers, there are producers and there are parasites,” she said. “Americans can distinguish between those who have produced and paid in through no fault of their own and because of Obama’s horrible polcies who cannot get a job or are underemployed. That’s what the campaign is about.”

Parasites.  Yep, we need a much stronger word than doubling down.

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