Chick-fil-A caves

Filed in National by on September 20, 2012

I had a feeling that making money would trump the company founder’s desire to hate on gay marriage. This is America dammit!

A Chicago advocacy group says that the restaurant Chick-fil-A has promised to back away from funding socially conservative groups that have pressed to limit marriage to one man and one woman.

The apparent decision by the chain’s WinShape Foundation would mark a retreat from the summer’s culture war pitting advocates of marriage equality against conservative claims that the chain was under assault for simple free speech. The comments came, the group The Civil Rights Agenda said, in correspondence with a Chicago alderman who had opposed the chain’s expansion to the city.

Is it time for winguts to go hold a puke-a-thon and return all the protest sandwiches?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. V says:

    They’re still not getting my money. Like Komen only caving because they got caught, there’s no actual change in ideology. As soon as people stop paying attention it will happen again.

    There are plenty of other charities that help women and places to buy chicken that will now be getting my money instead.

  2. John young says:

    Yes, punish the local, independent, franchisees who neither supported the parent company policy or philosophy, disagree vehemently with the CEO, and have been irreparably harmed by the boycott.


  3. Linda says:

    I second that V . . . too little too late . . .

  4. cassandra_m says:

    John Young, there isn’t one single Chik-Fil-A in America that is entitled to either customers or to customers’ money.

    Whether you don’t eat that food for dietary reasons, or because you hate it or because you hate their politics, this is the way that marketplaces work and sometimes people get the short end.

  5. SussexAnon says:

    Its a free market, JY.

    Those franchisees are free to move to another fast food company.

    Perhaps future franchisees will think twice before buying into Chik-fil-a.