This kind of thing does not happen to legitimate Presidential campaigns:
Pawlenty Steps Down From Romney Campaign To Join Bank Lobbying Group
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty will join the Washington-based Financial Services Roundtable as its new president and CEO, the bank lobbying firm announced Thursday. Pawlenty will step down as national co-chair …
What we are seeing is the natural result of the “point and laugh” strategy that the Obama campaign adopted when they started talking about Bain Capital and ratcheted up when Obama mercilessly mocked “tax cuts for whatever ails you” at the DNC.
I firmly believe that is the mocking that is undoing the GOP. If ever a political party was built on a mock-able premise “The wealthy don’t have enough money – The poor have too much,” it is the modern GOP. And yet, as long as the Democrats refused to engage this premise as absolutely ridiculous, the GOP maintained their edge. The Democrats tried compromise. They tried arguing around the edges. they tried paraphrasing, but all of those approaches validate the ridiculousness.
Now, at long last, we are pointing and laughing and the Republicans have no play in their playbook to deal with it.