I’ve been reading a lot of conservative blogs lately. I’ve donned my level 3 biohazard suit, and walked through the looking glass and read comment threads on “Red State” and other cesspools of conservative “thought.”
I’m frankly fascinated by wingnuts trying to come to terms with the debacle that is this election cycle. In no particular order, these are some of the things I keep reading.
Obama was so beatable.
Everyone is lying to the pollsters because they don’t want to be seen as racist.
We are over taxed.
Government is the problem.
The 2012 mid-terms results proved that our policies are popular.
The majority of American are conservative.
Restricting abortion is the most important issue facing America right now.
The national debt is the most important issue facing America right now.
President Obama is 100% responsible for our current debt.
Teachers and all other public employees are lazy, incompetent moochers trying to get something for nothing.
Tax cuts work.
Republican policy proposals make perfect sense.
Republican policy proposals would be popular if the media wasn’t in the bag for the liberals.
Romney is losing because he isn’t conservative enough.
Romney is losing because he isn’t willing to “take the fight to Obama.”
Romney is losing because the media is unfair.
Romney isn’t really losing, but that is what the unfair media wants you to think.
If Obama wins it will because he cheated.