Saturday Daily Delawhere [9.22.12]

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2012

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  1. Rusty Dils says:

    Romney released 2011 tax returns yesterday. Also his accounting firm Price Waterhouse Coopers, (I’m sure we can’t trust those guys) put out a statement saying romney had paid an average of 20% tax rate the last 20 years, with the lowest tax rate in any one year being 13.66%. In 2011 Romney paid 1.9 million, on income of over 13 million for an effective tax rate of about 14%. Additonally he gave 4 million to charity, but only claimed about 1/2 of that as a deduction. Seems Romney did pay more that he legally owed. I wonder where Harry Reed’s reliable source is now. I know liberals don’t think Romney paying more than his legal tax burden is enough, but since no liberal has ever paid one penny more than they owe in taxes, and rairly give hardly anything to charity (because by definition liberals are the most selfish people in the world)I believe all liberals should now retract their false statements about Romeny’s taxes. But they won’t, because liberals don’t care

  2. Liberal Elite says:

    @RD “Additonally he gave 4 million to charity, but only claimed about 1/2 of that as a deduction.”

    Yea… He can file an amendment after the election and get the tax on that money back.

    In fact, he can amend the entire thing. It doesn’t mean much. What we really need to see are his tax records.

    Oh, and he lied about his taxes when he ran for governor of Massachusetts… caught red handed.
    And as the old Bush saying goes: Fool me once… can’t get fooled again.

  3. Andy says:

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