Delaware Liberal

Good News/Bad News Monday

The good news: Obama continues to kick ass. “Obama to win” positions hit new highs in both major trading markets over the weekend. (71% Intrade & 70 IEM).

The bad news: Republican billionaires are committed to a strategy of harassment and intimidation of Democratic voters while bankrolling huge GOTV efforts among conservatives.

Lee Fang explains the threat at the polls from a Koch group that is engaged in a massive voter mobilization campaign:

Koch is now financing more than 200 organizers and paid political staff in thirty-one states. Its likely much of the money Koch now donates to the NRA and groups like the Faith and Freedom Coalition (run by Tim Phillip’s longtime business partner, Ralph Reed), will also be spent on organizers on the ground. Using the Wisconsin model, Koch hopes to partner with local conservative groups to build a rapid mobilization system that can compete on Election Day, in every critical state.Too much attention is given to the television ads. The Koch network, which is actively training Tea Partiers, via a partnership with True the Vote, to harass and intimidate voters, may tip the scales in this election. And you won’t see their work on television, or through FEC disclosures (they refuse to register their grassroots electioneering as independent expenditures). Like Wisconsin, liberals might see the ground shifting beneath them, and wonder what happened.

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