Is Mitt Dumb too?
I mean, he can’t be serious in the following quote, right? Because if he is, then … whoa. As you may have heard, on Friday, Ann Romney’s airplane had to make an emergency landing on Friday in Colorado due to an electrical fire in the plane that did send smoke into the cabin. Gratefully, nobody was hurt.
Mitt Romney then decided to comment on it.
When you have a fire in an aircraft, there’s no place to go, exactly, there’s no — and you can’t find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem. So it’s very dangerous. And she was choking and rubbing her eyes. Fortunately, there was enough oxygen for the pilot and copilot to make a safe landing in Denver. But she’s safe and sound.
Mittens, do you know what we call opening a hole in a pressurized vehicle traveling at an altitude of 35,000 at 500 miles per hour?
Explosive Decompression.
Typically, when that happens, the aircraft tends to fall from the sky.
I mean, he has to know that, right? He has to have learned basic atmospheric science in middle school, right? I did.
Personally, I think Mitt has a very mild or slight form of Autism called Asperger’s Syndrome, which is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. I have it in my family, so I know the signs. Mitt Romney has no clue how to interact with other humans on a social level, which leads to these diarheas of the mouth where what he says is just inappropriate or non-sensical.
Or he could just be dumb.
Is this for real? Seriously, is this for real? Nobody could actually wonder why airplane windows don’t open… could they?
Same question I am asking. LOL.
I have also thought Mitt has Asperger’s Syndrome, but, I would not want people to make the mistake of believing his personality problems are a result of that. It may explain some of his oddities, but not that he is just a horrible person.
And, he could be dumb also.
Okay, the quote comes from an article in the LA Times so… it’s true?
I’m still having trouble believing he said something this stupid.
I think it is probably true. However, what one could make of such a statement depends on one’s perspective. I think it is simply a manifestation of the lack of familiarity with the mundane, like buying a loaf a bread and using a debit card (what’s a debit card?) kind of thing or carrying a dog on the top of the roof of a car. Idiot savant comes to mind. Mitt may be brilliant when it comes to producing cash but he may be ill at ease and unafamiliar with things that are intuitively obvious to the rest of us.
Of course I would rather not fly with a passenger like Mitt, who would be the one person that tries to open the passenger door in flight to let in some fresh air!
Next he will start wondering why submarines don’t have screen doors.
Duh, you can’t have a screen door on a submarine because the opening and closing of the door would be too loud and squeaky and could be picked up by enemy subs.
Surely Mitt would know that.
If Obama weren’t so weak and ineffective there wouldn’t BE any enemy subs.
When it comes to the Romney campaign I can’t shake the feeling that we’re being punk’d.
(Good points on the screen door!)
Forget the windows, I’m more concerned that Mitt wanted more oxygen in the airplane because, you know, oxygen is fire’s natural enemy.
Trending on Twitter: #RomneyPlaneFeatures.
The best:
Power windows, for Self-Depressurization
Glass floor to help him look down on people
Passengers are given a voucher to purchase their own oxygen masks & life-vests.
Spray tan machine that doesn’t spray ears and hands.
Screen doors – you know, like on my private sub
The economy section of the plane gets left behind on the tarmac.
No compass.
Plane-top dog carrier
Tree height detectors
Empty Chairs
Grey Poupon dispenser
Fainting couches.
Ejection seats for those nasty #47Percenters
My wife and daughter were on a flight (Syndey to Kuala Lumpur) that filled with smoke. Oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling. I don’t know why there was no oxygen for Ann Romney, unless the fire wasn’t deemed serious enough to deploy them. I thought oxygen for passengers was mandatory.
Plane-top dog carrier? Pure genius.
this has got to be some sort of strategy to make him more accessible to dumb people, right? i refuse to believe this isn’t from The Onion.
Maybe he was not fully concentrating because of his hard work preparing for the upcoming debates.
You better see what Mitt is doing to prepare for the debates below
See Romney Balboa Debate Training Below
Submarines do not have windows either
A mere 4 months ago, I was hoping for one big miscue, or screw up from Romney. Now I’m kind of at a loss because they are coming by the ass load.
Seriously Mitt… WTF!?!?!?
dKos is teasing this AM’s KagroX radio program with this joke:
Hey, *I* thought it was funny!
all the “mitt is an idiot” aside….. I hate how the air on airplanes is recycled and “cleaned”. An engineer smarter than i could do a lot of good by making a system that could actually bring in fresh air while expelling the germs from a sneezing child right next to me….. it’s really the thing i hate most about flying.
C-span video of Mitt Romney Speaking at Clinton Global Initiative this morning. (Introduced by Bill Clinton himself) If you think Obama is going to beat this guy, you better watch this video, Not only is Romney not Dumb, but in the words of New Englanders, he is “Wicked Smart”. You can tell by Clinton’s reaction after the speech that even he (Bill Clinton) was impressed. Don’t take my word for it, just watch the video
Part one
Part two
I hate the takeoff. Also, the landing and the being up in the air. The cabin air is low on my list of things to hate about flying.
No thanks.
That look on clinton’s face is more of “oh good, i wont have to do many more appearences. Hillary 2016. mmmmmm kale.”
With Mitt’s airplane window comment, it’s as if Mitt Romney has never seen a movie – EVER!
This reminds me of the comedian commenting on the indestructible “little black box” that maintains flight data in the event of a horrible accident. The comedian said, “Why don’t they make the whole plane out of that stuff?”
More than one comedian has said it. Not to let facts ruin a good joke, but the black box is made of thick steel. If you built the whole plane from it you couldn’t get it off the ground.
Mitt is planning a manned mission to the Sun – they’ll land at night.
thanks for killing the fun, geezer.
ya know.. mitt DOES have a point. His robot body can probably survive at that altitude and pressure.
I guess it’s hard to pick up on the sarcasm while in the throes of a massive Kool-Aid bender…