Tuesday Open Thread [9.25.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 25, 2012

This looks awesome, and politically relevant:

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    From the Progressive Change Campaign Committee — Look Who Supports Unions Now!

  2. Jason330 says:

    This movie is 5 years too late for Pennsylvania. The cows are out of the barn, slaughtered, converted into beef patties, consumed and digested.

    New York state has a slim chance of avoiding fracking abuse, but only a slim chance.

  3. Tom McKenney says:

    I want to see Paul Ryan go back to Green Bay in his home state and defend the NFL owners. If he is so principled lets see him attack the striking refs.

  4. Aren’t the Packers a publicly-owned team? No wonder the bleeping refs sided with the owners and screwed the proletariat!

  5. Rusty Dils says:

    See link below, Howard Stern interviewing Obama Supporters. The Democrats start with a base that no one else can match. This is why it is so hard for Republicans to get elected.


  6. Roland D. Lebay says:


    Stern didn’t interview any Obama supporters. Richard & Sal did. These are the same two ass-clowns who call shitty little “tradio” shows in the midwest and torture the hosts w/ jizz jokes. I wouldn’t put too much stock in their Obama supporter interviews.

    Here is an example of Richard & Sal’s work. It’s funny.