Delaware Liberal

Democrats shouldn’t vote for Tom Carper. Period.

Without even going into his worst in the Democratic Caucus voting record, Tom Carper is currently giving Delaware Democrats the finger on giant bill boards. Perhaps as a response to Alex Pires’ giant billboards which forcefully deliver the the message “Alex Pires,” Tom Carper has invested in bill boards which essentially deliver his message “I love enabling Republican obstruction!”

The bill boards carry out the nonsensical, “I’m a bridge builder” message the TC rolled out a candidate forum earlier in the month. A bridge builder to what? To who? Isn’t Carper just a little too proud of his work enabling the Grover Norquists, Mitch McConnells and John Boehners of the world? If that is really why TC thinks he deserve to represent Delaware, doesn’t Pires’ observation that he has been in the DC bubble for far too long ring true?

Friends, If you are even a little aware of what the Republicans have done to the country, Tom Carper doesn’t want your vote. Tom Carper has nothing but contempt for you. It is that simple.

I’m not voting for him and I will urge everyone I know not to vote for him.

He’ll still win, but he will not be representing me when he gets back to Washington. On that much, we can all agree.

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