Abortion bans, Bibles in School, Hetero Marrige are the keys to America’s greatness.. or something
Bodenweiser sounds like a crazy person to me.
GEORGETOWN — Christine O’Donnell, who says she’s considering another U.S. Senate run in 2014, rallied Delaware’s right wing on Thursday night, speaking at a fundraiser for state Senate hopeful Eric Bodenweiser, the self-proclaimed tea party candidate who upended incumbent Republican Joe Booth in the Sept. 11 primary.
More than 50 people listened as O’Donnell, standing on a step ladder, said Bodenweiser “will stand up against the lords of the backroom” in Dover. “We need someone like that speaking on our behalf,” O’Donnell said before she presented him with a $600 check.
In his remarks, Bodenweiser called O’Donnell a “heavy hitter” and delivered a strongly conservative message.
“In order to turn this nation around, we’re going to have to get that Bible back in our schools” he said. “And we’re going to have to start honoring marriage and families. The other thing we’ve got to do, we’ve got to stop abortion.”
I never knew the radical right were such horrible parents. If you want your children to learn religion, guess what? The Bible does not have to be in school, it has to be in the home. Why are these radical right parents so fucking lazy? They want someone else to teach their children religion? Do it yourself. Why do they want the government to do it for them? Do it your fucking self. You lazy horrible government dependent parasites!
You want to stop abortion? Don’t have one.
You want to honor marriage and families? Then honor your marriage and family.
This is great: “Why are these radical right parents so fucking lazy? They want someone else to teach their children religion? Do it yourself. Why do they want the government to do it for them? Do it your fucking self. You lazy horrible government dependent parasites!”
Thanks for that, DD! It is great!
Amen Eric or should I say Senator. The real question is when did this become right wing? Not long ago these were the American consensus. In fact if you put them in front of voters, most people agree. Marriage is between a man and woman, students should understand about the Christian heritage of America including in art, literature, and history, abortion is way too common and should be limited.
If you want your children to get a Christian education then send them to Christian School. In the meantime, you will honor our Constitution and stop your unconstitutional drive to have Christianity adopted as our National Religion.
You sure have an upstanding Christian running in this race David. Bodenweiser is nothing if not an advertisement for faith based policies.
By “faith based” I mean policies that are not grounded in any kind of reality outside of his head. The notion that there is some conservative consensus on these points is more magical thinking on your part.
The only upstanding Christian in the 19th SD race is Jane Hovington.
By his remarks, I get the feeling that Bodenweiser is so tight with Jesus that he’d agree to having this election settled by the handling of venomous snakes.
Republican David, I was raised by a Sunday School teacher, and I’m pretty sure I’m older than you are. In my Delaware public schools they taught us that the Founding Fathers specifically wanted to keep religion out of public policy. They were, themselves, from many religious and philosophical backgrounds, and, more importantly, perhaps, they represented colonies that had been established by differing religious groups, fleeing the chaos engendered by adherents of various religions struggling to impose their will on their countrymen. My own ancestors arrived here before The Revolution to spread their religious points of view away from the pressure of government.
Unless you can come up with more evidence, I’m going to go with “He’s making stuff up.” on this.
Bible back in schools means your bible, your beliefs, but it’s nice to know you trust the government on this issue. Every time I hear this call all I think is that the people pushing this have a deep insecurity in their religion – it strikes me that it simply isn’t enough for you to believe what you believe; you seem to need the government to validate your beliefs. It’s like a religious numbers game. Whatever faith has the most members wins.
The honoring marriage and families is simply code for no gay marriage. Yet again, another way to use government to reinforce your beliefs. Why do you need the government to define and reinforce your marriage. Like your religious beliefs, isn’t it strong enough to stand on its own?
Re: The Bible.
Are they gonna black out those ‘begat’ sections? Hope not:
BTW, ‘more than 50’ people were in attendance?
In Sussex County? For COD and Bodie?
Of course, ‘more than 50’ could mean 51, or 10,000.
Good work, News-Journal.
ES: That’s just journalese in action. The reporter doesn’t want to say “about 50 people” because if it turns out there were really 75, the wingnut whiners will accuse him of minimizing the crowd. When the number is as small as 50, you can actually count them all. That means there were between 50 and 60 people in attendance.
C’mon, El Som. Let’s not gripe about the crowd count.
I’ve been there, done that, and no one with any reporting experience is going to say “more than 50” when it might well be 100 or more. If I were translating for you, I’d say “more than 50” means between 51 and 75.
Matthew 6:6 And Jesus said unto his disciples, “Jam God’s will down people’s throats. Pray openly and loudly and judge all those who do not pray openly and loudly as non believers.”
John 3:20 Jesus looked upon the crowd and proclaimed, “Oral contraceptives are murder. If a woman is truly raped, her body will shut that down. Rape the children but remember to ask God for forgiveness, because only then will you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Mark 12:17 Then Jesus said unto them, “Overthrow Caesar. Refuse to pay your taxes or proclaim them wrong. Run for office and take over your nation’s rulers and replace man’s law with God’s law. It is God’s will that you lie and cheat to achieve these goals.
The conservative’s N.I.V. (Nonstop Invective Version)
O’Donnell might run again? Sweet. I got a shot of 18 year old Scotch from my chiropractor thanks to the margin of her loss in 2010. And she gave Bonehead a $600 check? I wonder how high that’ll bounce when he tries to deposit it.
You’re right, Mediawatch. My point is that that’s a damn small crowd for CO’D (which does NOT stand for cash on delivery).
Suspect that if I’d just come right out and said that it was a damn small crowd, the inexactness of the reporter’s number would have been brought up by a Bodie supporter, who would have claimed that there were huge thongs, I mean, throngs, there.
A small group claiming to be Christians want their view to be public policy. We are protected from establishment of a national religion by our constitution. Most law suites brought against religion in the public sector come from people of faith who resent other’s views forced upon them.
El Som,
Good that you didn’t mean “huge thongs.” That’s rather oxymoronic.
Point well made concerning crowd size and CO’D speculating about another Senate run. Such talk should inspire the presence of far more followers, but I suspect that there are hardly any left.
“students should understand about the Christian heritage of America including in art, literature, and history”
I’m pretty sure in my heathen Delaware public high school I learned about the reformation for at least a month, the founding fathers various conflicting views on religion and how they shaped our early discourse, studied Christian (and Greek, and Roman, and Venus of Willendorf, etc. etc.) art in my art hisotry class, and read books like The Red Badge of Courage and spent days talking about the Christian imagry used by the author. Only after THAT came the socialist programming.
Just sayin’.
“In order to turn this nation around, we’re going to have to get that Bible back in our schools”
Republican David, are you going on record as supporting EB’s call to incorporate the Bible in our public school curriculum? Do you view this as mandatory requirement or would you be willing to provide space and time for the Quran, Torah, Corpus Hermeticum, Enuma Elish,Sepher Yetzirah, et al. Please elaborate on which ones you and Eric Bodenweiser would or would not incorporate or otherwise allow and which students would be bound by the curriculum presented.
I would love to see the Bible included in a Comparative Scriptures course using scriptures from multiple religions to teach literature and history.
Now that’s a good idea, but I’d would like to have a atheist historian or author teach the course 🙂
But really it is a good idea. The problem would be, at least in Sussex County, that many folks would be aghast at the idea that their children were exposed to any other book (thought) other than The Book, lest their children be influenced to shave their heads and put on red and yellow robes. They who live in fear would not buy in to such a fools venture.
In that NJ article with Bodie’s quote, O’Donnell mentioned that she was ahead in the polls against Coons and it was intra-party strife that brought her down. I think O’Donnell either blissfully ignores reality or is a pathological liar.
Well, there’s no denying that the GOP’s intraparty strife played a significant role in Coons winning the election. The reality that O’Donnell ignores is the role she played in creating that strife.
Wingnuts always have an out. It is never their fault. They are always the victim.
There was one poll in July of 2010 that had her ahead of Coons, but it was an anomaly, she went right back to the double digit deficit in the next poll.
The Tea Party reminds me of Lyndon LaRouche on the Democratic side. We had crazies trying to take over our party for a while there, too. Remember when Adlai Stevenson III actually left the Democratic Party ticket in 1986 because LaRouche candidates had won the Democratic party nomination for Lt. Gov and Sec. of State?
So we should have some sympathy for Republicans in the 19th District. The official Republican Party candidate for State Senate in their district is a man who regularly testifies in front of the Sussex County Council ON HIS KNEES, hands clasped in prayer. Against Booth, no Democrat would have had a shot in the 19th. Against Bodenweiser, however, a conservative Dem with strong personal and community ties to local, non-crazy Republicans would have had a great shot. But instead we put up Hovington. With Bodenweiser – essentially a Republican version of Lyndon Larouche – now the candidate, doesn’t that amount to political malpractice by the Democratic Party in the 19th District?
WWB (Wee Willie Bonehead)
“O’Donnell might run again? Sweet. I got a shot of 18 year old Scotch from my chiropractor thanks to the margin of her loss in 2010. And she gave Bonehead a $600 check? I wonder how high that’ll bounce when he tries to deposit it.”
Bodenweiser won the primary, so get use to it Bonehead. The check will be good and God will multiply it 1000 fold. Bodenweiser is right, you have forgotten about what God it and what he can do.
Hide in fear and watch and you might see God’s hand at work.
Okay. Quick question. Can Bodenweiser ask God for good weather on October 10th for me? That would be awesome.
traveler: Excellent satire. Spot on.
traveler I doubt God will give Bodenweiser $60,000 for his latest political race, but I’m sure God has something special in mind for him.
Matthew 18.6: But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
“Bodenweiser is right, you have forgotten about what God it (sic)and what he can do. Hide in fear and watch and you might see God’s hand at work.”
This is a prime example of a “God told me to do it” delusion. No different than atrocities committed in the name of the Lord. I can just imagine Bodie in the GA, declaring the Lord spoke to him and bade him to vote a certain way or propose a bill. Any bets on when he gets down on his knees hat in hand begging the rest of the GA to go along with him?
The rightous have no fear of God, but fear of Bodie is a different story altogether.
If Ben Lowe loses, that’ll be two religious crazies in the GA in one year. Oh my.
It’s not If Lowe loses, but by how big a margin.
Who’s the other religious crazy?
Pastor Tim Dukes, son of Dale
Thanks, SW. I had heard of him but didn’t know he was a man of the cloth. Is he a real preacher, or did he attend Bible college with Dr. Otto Youras?
Real. Has a church n everything. Very respected.
From up here in New Castle County, all those Sussex County Republicans may look alike. But Tim Dukes had the sane local Republicans at his announcement in April (D. Short, Kenton, Wilson, Briggs-King). He’s not going to agree with us on many issues, but I suspect that he doesn’t have much more use for O’Donnell, Bodenweiser or Queitsch than we do.
Ronald Reagan kicked off his presidential campaign, incredibly, in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Tim Dukes, on the other hand, quoted Bob Marley at his candidacy announcement
His web site has the normal Republican stuff about “over regulation”, plus the probably-not-approved by-Paul-Ryan “more funding for the Delmar and Laurel School Districts.” I didn’t see any of the crazy (the constitutional powers of sheriffs or Agenda 21).
A Republican who quotes Bob Marley when he announces his inaugural run for public office is a Republican that we can probably find some areas of agreement with. (I should hasten to add that I don’t know anything about Adkins. He may have a better shot against Dukes than Hovington does against Bodenwesier.)