Delaware Liberal

A Couple of Cell Phone Pics from Last Night’s Gilligan Gala

Here is former Governor Ruth Ann Minner, who could not ascend to the stage as she is now using a walker due what I believe is a knee issue.

And here is Vice President Joe Biden addressing the crowd via video:

Some tibits from last night’s honoring of the retiring Speaker of the House, Bob Gilligan:

Congressman Carney gave the Speaker a Congressional Recognition, and remarked about how Gilligan gave him his first job as a Legislative Fellow.

Senator Coons remarked that Gilligan was a friend, a role model and a mentor.

Vice President Biden said that Gilligan was his county councilman back in the day, that he has been a state leader, and that Gilligan proved that in Delaware you’re never out of reach. Vice President Biden concluded, “I’ll see you at the beach.”

Mike Castle said that Gilligan would always beat the best people Castle could find to run against him, so Castle finally gave up.

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