Delaware Liberal

Fox News Performs Rare Triple Face Palm

Fox News out did itself yesterday and not in a good way.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans watched a man shoot himself in the head live on television on Friday as Fox News broadcast the final moments of a car chase in Arizona.

The cable news channel was playing live footage of the pursuit when the suspect leapt out of his car and began running away down a dirt track.

As producers and viewers watched, the man staggered away from his vehicle, ran a short distance into the grass and then produced a gun.

Shephard Smith, Fox News’s afternoon anchor, was providing a running commentary as the suspect lurched away from the vehicle and viewers could hear his producers gasping in horror as the man shot himself.

Mr Smith shouted “get off it, get off it” as it became clear the man intended to kill himself but the station did not cut away in time and broadcast the suspect crumpling to the ground.

Will some news organization please give Shep Smith a job? Please.

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