Archive for September, 2012

Reconnecting DE Voters to the Democratic Brand

Filed in Delaware by on September 13, 2012 39 Comments

In yesterday’s Post Mortem thread, heragain made an interesting point that lead to some discussion of Party endorsements and Party future:

The Delaware Democratic party is now the victim of its own success. Anyone who wants to win runs as a D, so we have a slate full of people who have NO relationship with the party or its platform going into the general carrying our standard. [more]

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Thursday Open Thread [9.13.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 13, 2012 15 Comments

Major Garrett:

“Mitt Romney has picked a big fight fraught with political risks amid an ongoing foreign policy crisis with heartbreaking and murderous consequences for the U.S. diplomatic corps. And by the end of the day on Wednesday he walked straight into a forearm shiver from the commander-in-chief – one that may leave a mark and intensify scrutiny of Romney’s foreign policy qualifications.”

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The Polling Report [9.13.12]

Filed in National by on September 13, 2012 14 Comments
The Polling Report [9.13.12]

We have a lot of polls, but nothing in a state changing from Romney to Obama or vice versa. Instead, we have a map that is getting darker in some expected sports and lighter in some unexpected spots. Meanwhile, we have a Fox News poll that is most likely being ignored on their own air.

Here is the map.

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You Ain’t the Cat’s Pajamas

Filed in Delaware by on September 13, 2012 11 Comments

If I learned anything over this primary election, when it comes to politics, know one knows nothing. The more one pretends to know, it becomes apparent that they know very little. When politicians, political Insiders or bloggers start thinking their shit don’t smell, it’s best they remember the line from Shakespeare’s As You Like It:

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

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I think everyone should read Kavips today.

Filed in Delaware by on September 13, 2012 39 Comments

His piece on the future of New Castle County, with a little recent political history thrown in, is a tour de force and it has performed a miracle: it actually made me feel a little bit better about Tom Gordon. Not enough to vote for him, mind you, but enough to be not apocalytic about what is coming…

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Joe Scarborough has The Sadness

Filed in National by on September 13, 2012 12 Comments
Joe Scarborough has The Sadness

Watching Morning Joe this morning, one can only notice that Mitt Romney’s campaign has given Joe Scarborough The Sadness. His lips say one thing, but his face says another. Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [9.13.12]

Filed in Delaware by on September 13, 2012 1 Comment
Thursday Daily Delawhere [9.13.12]

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The 62 District Strategy: The General Election Preview

Filed in National by on September 12, 2012 41 Comments
The 62 District Strategy: The General Election Preview

Let’s see how each party fared in their efforts to find candidates for every race. Hint: one party failed miserably, and in so doing, severely damaged whatever small chance it had to win control of either chamber of the General Assembly. So come inside for the large chart and my predictions on how the races for the General Assembly will play out.

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Is The GOP Cutting Romney Adrift?

Filed in National by on September 12, 2012 19 Comments
Is The GOP Cutting Romney Adrift?

The writing is on the wall that Romney will lose in November and then add to that Mitt’s holding his ground on his baseless attacks on President Obama, are Republican leaders looking towards 2016?

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Wednesday Open Thread [9.12.12]: The Mitt Romney Lehman Moment Edition

Filed in Open Thread by on September 12, 2012 15 Comments

“This was news-cycle campaigning by the Romney campaign gone awry. Why didn’t the Romney campaign wait until it had all the facts? On his overseas trip in the summer, Romney was so careful not to criticize Obama while on foreign soil. But how much time do you give an administration to work through a diplomatic and international crisis before trying to score immediate political points? You’d expect the Sarah Palins of the world to quickly pounce on something like this, and she predictably did. But a presidential nominee running for the highest office in the land?”

“After the facts have come out, last night’s Romney statement only feeds the narrative that his campaign is desperate. And given that the Romney camp has already moved on to other subjects this morning — issuing a press release on debt and not the embassy attacks — it appears the campaign realizes it, too. Right before our publication time, the Romney camp responds to us that it stands by its statement from last night.”

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Mitt Romney Wades Into Foreign Policy… And Drowns

Filed in National by on September 12, 2012 16 Comments
Mitt Romney Wades Into Foreign Policy… And Drowns

Steve Kornacki at Salon says it perfectly: The foolishness of Romney’s reaction is glaring. Pretending that the statement from the U.S. embassy in Cairo was anything other than a completely understandable and reasonable attempt by its occupants to save their own lives borders on disgraceful. Romney’s implication that the statement was issued at the height […]

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GOP On The Road to 1,000 Years of Darkness

Filed in National by on September 12, 2012 2 Comments
GOP On The Road to 1,000 Years of Darkness

Lindsay Graham continues to narrate the demise of the Republican Party. “If I were Obama I’d be nervous about the economy, but if I were Romney I’d be nervous about demographics,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told The Hill on Tuesday. “The economic condition of the nation cries out for a change in leadership, but when […]

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‘Bulo On Al’s Show Today at 10

Filed in Delaware by on September 12, 2012 56 Comments

All primary results, all the time, with trenchant and perhaps morbid analysis. Including a post-mortem into why I think Mitch Crane lost (it’s probably not what you think), dissection of all the key races, including the ouster of two incumbent state senators, and some rasslin’ talk, featuring an update on Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler.

10 am to 12 noon, WDEL-1150 on your am dial.

Click here to listen on your computer

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