Archive for September, 2012

The Democratic Party’s platform affirms the science of climate change & enough is enough with the spending cuts

Filed in National by on September 4, 2012 1 Comment

We just might be getting past the period of basing Democratic policies and strategies on trying to avoid hurting the tender feelings of some mythological “centrist” voter.

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Tuesday Open Thread [9.4.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 4, 2012 2 Comments

Damn. That summer went by fast. I guess time flies when you are defining Mitt Romney. Below is the Democratic Convention Speaker Schedule tonight….

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The dark and broken spirit of the Republican Party

Filed in National by on September 4, 2012 6 Comments

Just watch this video.

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El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em All For You*. Part 1…

Filed in National by on September 4, 2012 70 Comments

*Well, not all as in ALL. Just every primary where I think I know enough to make a prediction.  Some of which, invariably, will be wrong.

National Races:

U. S. Senate D’s: Tom Carper routs Keith Spanarelli. Over/under on Spanarelli: 12%.

U. S. House R’s: Tom Kovach routs Rose Izzo. Over/under on Rizzo: 11%.

Come inside for more, including, as the photo suggests, my prediction on the epic 11th SD race.

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I’m calling it for Obama: Where the Republicans went wrong & where the Dems can (still) go wrong

Filed in National by on September 4, 2012 30 Comments

I’ve been thinking about how the Democrats have to worry about over confidence this election cycle while Republicans have to worry about everything else. How is it that this election can seem so one sided to me?

I meditated up at the DL survival-plex & gas fracking a go-go on that question, and it came to me. The GOP messed up when they FAILED to nominate Rick Perry.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [9.4.12]

Filed in Delaware by on September 4, 2012 2 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [9.4.12]

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Labor Day Open Thread [9.3.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 3, 2012 74 Comments
Labor Day Open Thread [9.3.12]

Happy Labor Day, everyone! The annual Labor Day parade and picnic is definitely on in Wilmington and everybody who wants to be elected to something is there. The downpour isn’t stopping this event!

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Monday Daily Delawhere [9.3.12]

Filed in Delaware by on September 3, 2012 4 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [9.3.12]

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Grandma Catches Paul Ryan In A Lie

Filed in National by on September 2, 2012 10 Comments
Grandma Catches Paul Ryan In A Lie

We all know that Paul Ryan is a fit dude, his addiction to P90x is legendary. What we didn’t know till last week that Ryan at one point as a pretty-good marathoner. On a radio interview last week Ryan said that his personal best time for the 26.1 mile race was “. . . under three, high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something.” That’s really good. How good is that? He’d probably finish in the top 10 this year’s Delaware Marathon with a 6 minute 50 second mile pace.

But wait, Ryan is not that fast, not by a long shot. Ryan’s one marathon on record, Grandma’s Marathon 1990, has Ryan running a 4 hour and 1 minute marathon. Big difference.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [9.2.12]

Filed in Delaware by on September 2, 2012 1 Comment
Sunday Daily Delawhere [9.2.12]

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Late Night Video — New Rules!

Filed in National by on September 1, 2012 6 Comments

Bill Maher looks at the GOP convention and discovers amnesia on the part of the participants. What they tried to hide from the world was interesting. And in Bill Maher’s telling, pretty hysterical.

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Saturday Open Thread [9.1.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 1, 2012 11 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [9.1.12]

Officially September and the air already seems that much more political. Sorry for the lateness of this thread — apparently we are all busy today.

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Things I Learned from the GOP Convention

Filed in National by on September 1, 2012 12 Comments

Mitt Romney had a little get together in Florida this week with some of his closest angry white friends. From this convention, I learned a few things about the Republican Party. Okay, maybe not learned them, maybe I just had the ideas reinforced.

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