Delaware Liberal

What do Delaware small businesses want? How about a boost to the minimum wage?

Raise the minimum wage, so that middle and lower-class families have more confidence in their earning power and spending more. Maintain small business incentives and encourage entrepreneurs to hire locally. Increase infrastructure spending to get more people back to work.
— Wilmington, Delaware —

That was taken from a study recently released. (which appears to be a job matching site) partnered with George Washington University to ask small businesses about which issues are most important to them in this year’s presidential election. They’ve broken out rankings by state and party affiliation.

Since small businesses live and die by revenue (not tax savings Mr. Markell) it is not surprising that Delaware entrepreneurs rate the economy and jobs as the top priority in the election. Nationally, improved access to loans was the policy most commonly suggested by small businesses.

The Delaware results are here:

The data are based on a survey of more than 6,000 small business owners, “like wedding photographers, auto mechanics, and yoga instructors.” I don’t think the Delaware sample size was very large, but you can’t make the point THAT IT ISN’T ALL ABOUT TAX CUTS often enough.

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