Monday Open Thread [10.8.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on October 8, 2012

According the the New York Times, Vice President Biden is at a Delaware hotel for three days of debate camp starting today. I wondered how that could possibly be, since the Vice President does have a nice empty house in Wilmington to use. And then I finally got to the end of the article on the Obama campaign’s reaction to the listless debate and noticed this timely correction posted this morning:

An earlier version of this story incorrectly said that Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. was moving into a Delaware hotel for three days of debate preparations. He will actually spend the nights at his home in Wilmington.

Damn. I was preparing a Scavenger Hunt along the lines of “Where in DE is the Vice President?” Oh well.

Meanwhile, Think Progress has identified 27 “myths,” or as I call them, lies, that Mitt Romney told during last week’s debate in Denver. Steve Benen has gone further, identifying 50 examples of Romney’s lies from last week alone, from not only the debate but from speeches and interviews. Some of the lies are big, and some are minor distortions. Regardless, it proves that Mitt Romney is a pathological liar who will be spending eternity in hellfire.

Here is a video of a crazy person:

Unfortunately, this crazy person is on the House Science Committee, and inexplicably holds an MD and a PhD, both of which he should be required to return given his statements.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    If I’m correct, I just saw one of those deer on the wall mouth “Damn, he’s stupid.”

    Who gives a speech with the heads of 100 dead animals as the backdrop?

  2. puck says:

    Sarah Palin actually gave an interview while the heads were being chopped off turkeys in the background.

  3. Dave says:

    When you intend to appeal to a certain segment of the population, such backdrops are not only appropriate, they are err…appealing.

    After all what could be better than dead animals when speaking to folk who like to kill things.

    Although I’m probably splitting hairs, one should not mistake ignorance for stupity. Ignorant people can obtain higher education because they are not unintelligent.

    The most serious issue is that Broun makes decisions for the nation concerning science and technology, when his religion (and the bible) drives his beliefs related to science and technology. Sometimes I think that’s the real threat from religious fanatics, not their conservative social views but the bible driven beliefs in things like a woman shutting down pregnancy as a result of rape and other fantastical things. Making scientific decisions based on a literal bible is amazingly whacked.

  4. Jason330 says:

    9,000 year old Earth…. How I pine for the days when these guys were too embarrassed to leave their houses, let alone run for office.