Saturday Open Thread [10.13.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on October 13, 2012

Happy freezing Saturday! Everyone seems focused on the Bodenwiser story today, but PainesMe has reminded us that if we are not doing what we can to elect Jane Hovington today, we are missing an awesome opportunity.

Here’s a new ad from the Obama campaign featuring Morgan Freeman:

And back to Joe Biden’s fantastic performance in Thursday’s debate — Rolling Stone posts up the Best 15 Tweets About the Vice Presidential Debate. I especially liked this one:

The story of the outing of a notorious Reddit troll:

But sorry — my sympathy for political extremists does not extend to a person like MIchael Brutsch, who openly applauds wife-beating and rape, and who, on Reddit, specialized in sexually harassing underaged girls via the internet. That form of internet harassment and stalking may not be illegal, but it damned well ought to be. Violentacrez got what was coming to him. If he was so worried about how his trolling might affect his employment status, he should have thought about that before his started posting such vile, hate-filled material. On the internet, it’s very difficult to hide your true identity for very long, if someone is determined enough to out you. And clearly, Brutsch was sophisticated enough to have been able to figure that out. Dude, you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

A cautionary tale.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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