Tagg Romney Threatens President With Violent Assault

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012

“Well, you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.” — Tagg Romney, in an interview on WPTF-AM, when asked how it felt to hear President Obama call his father a liar during last night’s debate.

Well, what a violent bully this Tagg Romney is. I wonder what horrible single mother raised this violent and disgusting thug? Who taught him that when things do go your way you get violent? I wonder if Tagg You’re It is going to get a call from the Secret Service.

And Tagg You’re It is not the only Romney son with some, shall we say… issues last night.

That’s Josh Romney. H/T to BuzzFeed.

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  1. kavips says:

    Calm down dude….(can I call you Spock?) if your dad wasn’t such a liar… the accusation would never have occurred…

    Get some fresh air, Tag. Why can’t your dad just come right out and say…. I’m going to raise the deficit by 5 trillion dollars and hope and pray that the economy grows me into solvency, (even though it has never worked before)? We all know that is what he’s thinking.

    Trust me. No one would call him a liar then…

  2. Flora Kitty says:

    He reminds me of Christian Bale’s character in American Psycho.

  3. jenl says:

    His name is Taggart. His nickname is Tagg. Of course he is angry.

  4. pandora says:

    He was just shooting off his mouth. That said, you’d think that being the son – and a grown man – of a governor/Presidential candidate that he would have known better. DD makes the point – this behavior is the sign of bad parenting. 😉

  5. John Rovenolt says:

    No matter how whimsical they GOP thinks this remark was on the radio, any such threat is taken seriously to the Secret Service. Tagg Romney should be ashamed of himself! His father should give him a spanking!

  6. Jason330 says:

    Tagg and Mitt are both a sort of particularity loathsome rich guy. They are the “Pretend Bad Ass Rich Guy.”

  7. jenl says:

    I agree that he was just shooting off his mouth. However, to me this is another example of the attitude of the entitled. They love to push people around. They love to talk tough. They hate it when they are challenged.

    And I will say that through their conduct Mitt Romney and his son show zero respect for the President or the office he holds.

  8. jenl says:

    “They are the “Pretend Bad Ass Rich Guy.”


  9. puck says:

    It doesn’t seem to bother him to watch his father lying on national TV though.

  10. pandora says:

    “Pretend Bad Ass Rich Guys” who are “rah rah” war but who don’t serve. Can you imagine if a Democrat Presidential candidate had five grown sons, none of which served. Can you imagine if a Dem Pres. candidate, when asked why none of his sons were in the military, said that they were serving their country was by working on his campaign?

  11. sterling says:

    It has become increasingly evident that there is a total lack of respect for this president. A statement like his should be taken seriously and investigated by the secret service.

  12. Andy says:

    Anne Romney’s look is nearly as hard

  13. puck says:

    Republicans are trained that Obama is weak, in over his head, and can’t function without a teleprompter. It must take every ounce of their concentration to block it from their minds when Obama proves that wrong right in front of their eyes.

  14. socialistic ben says:

    dude. Obama could SO take that guy.

  15. Betty says:

    If it were the Obama girls, they would consider them a threat against the Romneys and they would be banned from attending any debates on anything else, the Republicans would be in a public uproar this morning, I am soooo sick of this double standard stuff, just because they are white and the president is black, they have been able to get away with waaay too much stuff!

  16. It reminds me of the freaky prayer-fast fest prior to the first debate:

    Conservative Mormons Will Hold Day Of Fasting And Prayer In …
    Sep 26, 2012 – The first presidential debate is a week away, and Mitt Romney supporters … And after this, the Mormons will pray that all 7 billion of the world’s …

    The sect thought it worked:

    Mormons Feel God Helped Romney win 1st Presidential Debate …/mormons-feel-god-helped-romney-win-1st-pre…
    6 days ago – Occasionally, Mormons will unite in prayer and fasting to pray for a …

    Tagg face looks possessed by the belief that belief shall produce an outcome – dad’s winning.

    Does GOD really need the help, Tagg or is fate really something you can’t pray your way out of? When is it time to shrug and give it up….

  17. Linda says:

    I agree with Betty!

  18. Tom McKenney says:

    Just like a chicken hawk to talk tough. Have any Romneys ever fought for this country in any war? Tagg could not dispute Obama on the facts so, he had to divert the issue. It appears the entire family has a poor set of values.

  19. Mojowilly says:

    Hey TAGG !!! YOU wanna go down & take a swipe at Barrack. Hey, CULTIST !! Barack would slap you around like the PUNK you are…SHUT UP !!!

  20. socialistic ben says:

    easy there sparky.

  21. Miscreant says:

    As demonstrated by some of the responses, even for Delaware Liberal, this is one of the most moronic and puerile threads in blog history. It’s a bit disheartening to think people like Betty, Linda, Mojowilly, sterling, and Kavips can procreate, and vote.

  22. cassandra_m says:

    Funny, we think exactly that about you.

  23. mr. parrish says:

    I see no problem. Tagg is just like me, I would have wanted to do the same thing. Except, I have no Dad, grew up in poverty, became the product of my enviorment, served 6 years incarcerated, and have assault charges on my record because unlike Tagg I have no way of getting cases thrown under the rug like Taggs father back in the day. But yea if someone says something u don’t like “take a swing at’em.” He should know though that me and other people with my same story may not like what he said.

  24. puck says:

    I don’t remember liberals wanting to take a swing at Romney when he gained an advantage by lying in the first debate. Instead we just wanted to expose the lies (and the liar), and resolved to kick Romney’s ass verbally.

    It must just be a conservative thing that when the lies that prop up their conservatism are threatened, their first thought is violence, and to defend their bullshit at any cost.

  25. Linda says:

    Better yet miscreant we procreate children that will vote and get Obama re-elected hahahahahaha . . . so sorry to break it to you but it is not just a bit disheartening to someone like you hahahahaha. . . !!!!

  26. Miscreant says:

    “Better yet miscreant we procreate children that will vote and get Obama re-elected hahahahahaha …”

    Thanks for proving my point, Linda (and Cassandra).

  27. Linda says:

    You are welcome . . . now go back to where you belong.

  28. Miscreant says:

    ‘You are welcome . . . now go back to where you belong.”

    Why? I come here strictly for comic relief.

  29. cassandra_m says:

    Thanks for living down to our expectations of you, Mis.

  30. Linda says:

    Well you provided enough “comic relief” for us for the day. Thank you creant.

  31. socialistic ben says:

    yeah! feed the troll!!!

  32. Tom Hawk says:

    A Point Of Order:
    The captions on the photos above name the male as JOSH Romney both here and on the Buzzfeed post. I’ve not seen any video of the Tagg Romney whine. We now have some evidence of TWO Romney children with some problems.

  33. Tim says:

    Well, at least the romney boys followed in their father’s footsteps. Willard demonstrated for the Vietnam War AND the draft, and yet dodged the draft himself. Like father like boys. I would love to meet Taggert/Taggart (obviously named for Mr. Taggert in Blazing Sadles)in a private setting, just for five minutes, and show him what it means to be a real American.

  34. A grown supposted father and husband has violence in him to say such a wicked thing as he did about out president. Shame Shame Shame!!!

  35. Leann says:

    Tagg needs to have a visit from the Secret Service immediately. The Romneys think their wealth entitles them to threaten physical violence to our Commander in Chief! If Mitt wasn’t such a liar which can be proven by listening to and watching his many flip flop speeches depending on which audience he was speaking to, the President wouldn’t have had to call him on it. The entire Romney family is a disgrace.

  36. Miscreant says:

    Please tell me you guys are just pretending to be this stupid.

  37. Tom McKenney says:

    Tagg directed his anger at the wrong person. He should said dad tell the truth you are embarrassing me.

  38. PMorris says:

    What a shame. If Barack had a son who said the same thing, I’m sure that the media would have jumped at the thought of such an act and ran a crawl on their channels all day. I wish he had the courage to take a “swipe” at the President. A man of respect would have never said such a thing. He owes our country an apology. No person should disrespect the office of the President. I’m sure he would have been offended if someone said the same about his father. Barack Obama is the President. Like it, love it, or hate it. He deserves respect because of this simple fact. If you don’t like him, it’s your problem. Exercise your right to vote either for him or for his opponent. But we are being observed by the rest of the world. FYI: To the politicians: just tell the truth,fact-check yourself and save the propaganda; stop trying to sell or embelish it. Don’t coward out when your platform or agenda is questioned. I would rather hear an uncomfortable truth and use all of the details to make an informed decision. What does this behavior say about our culture? We are sinking into a dark place.

  39. Randy says:

    Good example of a modern day aristocrat not much unlike the aristocrats of old England. This is what happens when wealth is unfairly taken from the working people and redistributed to those who really haven”t earned it. Us 47% hope to vote the current President to a second term, have congress replaced by those who intend to serve all equally and to finally have a filibuster proof senate. God bless America !!!

  40. George says:

    Can we at least agree: “Voted most likely to torture small animals”?? I initially thought “oh, a boy speaking up to defend his father. Marginal, but cute.” But THIS “boy” visibly has some issues. Looks like he may have spent one too many times strapped to the roof…

  41. auntie dem says:

    That top photo looks like when you are watching a basketball game and the people sitting behind the net go all crazy when the opposing team is taking a free throw.

    They are trying to lazer-eyeball Obama. When your guy has nuthin you are forced to try any trick. I suspect President Obama has seen this trash before.

  42. Alan says:

    I worry that this kind of irresponsible comment validates some sicko out there. What is wrong with the right wing? They should condemn this behavior! Very concerned.

  43. Vee says:

    @Delaware, Its interesting that you said what “horrible single mother raised this thug… blah blah blah…” I mean, nice way to slip in that hasty comment but lets be a bit more sensitive due to the nature of this article…At least if you believe in writing responsibly. Just watch out for those people who totally believe everything that they read…
    @PMorris, well said. The facts. Nothing more, nothing less.
    @Miscreant is def one of those kids who lives in a world in his own mind and only sees the world through his eyes… thats why his comments are so … stupid

    It may or may not be bad parenting. He actually just said what a lot of WASP americans feel like they can say, anything.
    He is a human, he made the choice to say that. The problem is that no one does nothing about it. People like Miscreant, they just wanna be able to say anything. But in the real world, you can not do that without reactions and consequences. If you want positive results, you need positive input. I agree, if it were President Obama, then people would have been soooo appalled and ppl probabaly would have been picketing at the White House!

    Thank goodness that many people saw the facts and we know unbiasedly that what T Romney said was inappropiate, disrespectful and a threat.
    But, alas, what can be done about it?

  44. Phyllis says:

    If he’s that angry, how come he didn’t go to Iraq or Afghanistan? That way he could have constructively channeled all of that anger.

  45. Michael says:

    DSM-IV 313.81~Oppositional Defiance Disorder.