The Governor and Lt. Governor Debates

Filed in National by on October 17, 2012

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Governor Markell and Jeff Cragg are debating at 8 pm. Lt. Governor Denn and Sher She Didn’t Build It Valenzuela are debating now. I got home late and missed the 7 pm start time.

Sher is being downright nasty in her closing statement.

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  1. SussexWatcher says:

    I tried listening to the debate, but can’t stand any more of One Note Sher. Small biz – contracts – less regulation – blah dee fuckin blah. She had gotten such a swollen head from her adoring base that she really doesn’t see how her goal of shrinking government and increasing corporate welfare – I mean government contracting – are not compatible. What a loon. It’s taking all Denn’s restraint not to call a dumbass a dumbass.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Denn labels Sher as a tea party backed candidate and says if you want their ideas at the table, they you should vote for her.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    The #dedebates Twitter feed is a great way to follow the gubernatorial debate.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Jeff is doing a Christine O’Donnell… reading his opening statement, looking down at his prepared remarks. This is on TV, Jeff. Look up.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    The Republican candidates are being very disrespectful in not referring to their opponents by their titles. Its all Matt and Jack.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Jeff is not answering the question. Moderator is very good trying to pin Jeff down on how he will be laying off thousands of government workers.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Governor Markell says he has no plans for higher office, wants to serve until 2016.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Although he is not making a pledge

  9. heragain says:

    I was in the audience. Markell did well, I thought. He came ready to rumble. Must have been disappointing to have Jeff “Somebody had to run against Markell” Cragg the only person to show up. 😀

    Cragg’s only proposal (other than “I like fracking.”) was a proposal to extend school to 13 years. My 15 year old leaned over to me and said, “That’s an ACT essay topic!” and my 17 year old, when told at home, said, “Great. Might as well stamp every diploma issued in Delaware with ‘Stupid.’ Even if it works, and you teach everyone more, we’ll never be competitive.”

    Other than that, we noticed the disrespect, too. And, sigh, the only Democratic politician besides his running mate Governor Markell mentioned was a quote from Hubert Humphrey. Other than that, it was “Not since DuPont” and “When Russ Peterson was in office…” I know we’re Delaware, and bipartisan, and kinda close to banks, etc, but I’d have enjoyed an inspiring reference even to JFK, if I couldn’t get Eugene Debs. 😉