Alex Pires: The Movie!!

Filed in National by on October 19, 2012

When is a crazy-ass, low-road, break all the rules political campaign not a political campaign? When it is a movie.

A tip from an anonymous correspondent, later confirmed by a few others, informed us that Pires isn’t running a political campaign, but starring in a documentary that he is having made about himself. This oddball run at Tom Carper is some kind of plot device to add some dramatic tension to the thing. I’m sure the footage so far is riveting, and I for one, am going to be camped out awaiting the premier because I have a well known weakness FOR SHITTY MOVIES!!

I can hear the trailer voice over in my head: If you hated,The Slowening: The making of “Highlander II: The Quickening” just wait until you get a belly-full of the ego that is PIRES!!

I haven’t been to any of the events, but has anyone seen film crews around this guy? Do we have any extras in our midst?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    I think Pires is an invention of Carper. create someone so loathsome that your liberal critics have to defend you. It’s genius.

  2. jason330 says:

    That makes slightly more sense than the movie thing.

  3. SussexAnon says:

    I don’t know about extras, but Pires does have someone filming him.

  4. I heard about this a few weeks ago from a GOP candidate. The guys has too much money burning holes in his pocket.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    If this is true, no wonder Pires’ campaign always looked like a bundle of flail. He was working at a reality TV show rather than a political campaign.

  6. mongo says:

    In no way does this movie make him less of a dirtbag. He’s still spending a lot of money saying awful and untrue allegations about another person.

  7. anon says:

    Carper is no stranger to running a dirty campaign, I have no tears to shed for him. But you must admit that Carper seems desperate and on the defensive. Pires isn’t the one with video footage of himself doing push ups and Pires isn’t the one running crazy radio ads with the death knell in the background defending his record on social security. I also can’t help noticing that Carper is running ads where he now served in “Asia” instead of his history talking about serving in Vietnam. If nothing else, Pires will make sure this is the last election cycle with Carper as a candidate. I would rather have Beau Biden, Markell or Denn in that seat.

  8. JTF says:

    Right, anon, Alex is going to win. I’m sure. With a crack campaign staff like Keith Spanarelli, Rose Izzo, and Kevin Izzo, who could beat him? KSpan probably got a higher percentage of the vote in the primary than Alex will in the general. Go back to Dewey

  9. Jason330 says:

    I agree with anon that Carper sucks.

  10. X Stryker says:

    My favorite shitty movie is Batman – the Adam West version from 1965. “Some days, you just can’t get rid of a bomb!”

  11. V says:

    There is nothing shitty about the Adam West Batman movie. It is perfection.


  12. Jim Westhoff says:

    Speaking of Pires, I posted an interesting photo on Facebook, and it’s generating a lively debate. Take a look, and I’d love to read your thoughts. Here’s a link to the photo and discussion:

  13. I think Pires really believes he’s gonna win. The camera will be there to capture his ultimate exultation.

    I’ve said before that politicians are this unique combination of insecurity and narcissism. When it comes to narcissism, Pires is right there with Christine O’Donnell.

    They belong together on a reality series. With someone from the Palin clan, doesn’t matter who. And perhaps Hulk Hogan suing someone over an alleged sex tape.

  14. Jason330 says:

    Jim, I almost pulled over and snapped a similar picture. Pires is running to annoy, not to win.

  15. Andrew Groff says:

    No request for release has come my way as yet, and they’ve taken a lot of footage of me for some reason.

  16. Hugh says:

    The best part of the movie is going to be when Alex goes to jail or is otherwise disbarred. Karma is a bitch.

  17. Pencadermom says:

    His signs are becoming an eyesore. Really. I saw about 8 in one spot today, most of which are falling over. One more gust of wind and they will be all over Elkton Rd.

  18. Tink says:

    I think Pires needs a haircut. He looks a hot mess.

  19. Kim Sullivan says:

    Movies are often political, and politicians are often people who have engaged in different artistic mediums. Ronald Reagan, Al Franken, Sonny Bono, to name a few. Our political leaders should be creative people and intelligent enough to communicate in whatever mediums are most effective. Mr. Pires is a breath of fresh air, and our party system is stale because it trades the greater good for its own purposes.