Obama’s awesome addition to the politcal lexicon

Filed in National by on October 19, 2012

Wow. The internet tubes are quick!

I have to think the President has been holding this in his back pocket for just the right moment.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. jason330 says:

    This is simply devastating.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I loved the Obamacare plug too.

  3. puck says:

    Any comment from Tagg?

  4. skeptic says:

    Whoever is writing these speeches needs a raise NOW! The Obamacare punchline was classic. Well-played Mr. President, well-played.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    LOL. The President sure knows how to shore up his base. I am sure liberal bloggers do not mind.

  6. John Young says:

    I agree DD, but it seems he cemented it into the lexicon, not added it.

  7. I think it is funny, well done. Of course the President does the same thing. Oppose an individual mandate then support it. Oppose redefining marriage then try to undermine DOMA. Oppose a surge then support another one. Not want to lead the effort in Libya then bomb them and overthrow the government. Want civilian trials for terrorists then put up military tribunals. Oppose the Patriot Act then strengthen it.

  8. Liberal Elite says:

    @RD “Of course the President does the same thing.”

    BS. Every example you mention is a legitimate policy decision based on best available information. To infer that a president must be rigid in face of new information is pure folly.

    In Romney’s case, it’s all lies and pandering. The man has no core, nor any inclination to be honest to the electorate. He’s political scum of the worst sort.