Lincoln Willis Walks Out

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2012

That is the title of this riveting footage of Trey Paradee explaining to an audience how Rep. Willis just walks out on their interests in Leg Hall in order to further far right agendas:


So what do you think? Is this what I Fighting Dem looks like? I think so….


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (8)

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  1. HB 310 needs to be repealed. It was a stupid bill that serves no one in the 29th or any other district. $50 a day fine for a late or incomplete finance report when you may not even be running in that cycle (end of the year) is absurd. Trey should be ashamed to mention that his party is that petty to say they are doing something while jobs disappear, big companies run away with our state guaranteed loans, they don’t consider measures to lower our electric rates,and everything else wrong that would take a book to discuss. This is on almost no one’s list of priorities and deserved a walk out.

  2. reis says:


  3. reis says:

    David, if the bill was crap, why didn’t Willis vote against it in stead of doing a walk-about?

  4. jason330 says:

    I love how Trey Paradee diagnosis the root problem, Republicanism – and hangs it around his opponents neck.

  5. PainesMe says:

    Reis – exactly the point.

    David – You’re confusing “taking a walk” to avoid going on the record with “staging a walk out” in protest. Spend some time around leg hall and you’ll see why it’s very clearly not meant in protest.

  6. The whole bill was a game. They just choose not to play the game with the Dems. Nothing wrong with that. Not one job was cost, not one pothole left unfilled, not one business harmed, not one family disadvantaged by not playing along with the silly political gotcha machine. PainesMe, I have been around leg hall enough that even much of staff and the Capitol police greet me by name, let alone legislators.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Transparency and accountability is not a game. Excepting, of course, to the people who insist on preserving hiding or at least delaying disclosure of where their campaign money comes from. Transparency and accountability are essential to democracy, not that we’d expect you to get that Delusional David. Because it seems axiomatic to Republicans that they can’t legitimately win unless they can hide their agendas and paymasters.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    iCrook Chris comment moderated because it is off-topic and more of the usual Mike Protack bullshit.