Delaware Liberal

Christine O’Donnell Defends Eric Bodenweiser, calls Indictment “Tacky.”

WGMD has the audio of Christine O’Donnell’s reaction to the Eric Bodenweiser indictmenet. Christine O’Donnell, mind you, is the presumptive GOP nominee to run against Sen. Chris Coons in 2014.

Here is the transcript:

CHRISTINE O’DONNELL: That’s why these sort of, charges are so, are so, potent as political weapons because they put a seed of doubt in someone’s mind. If you do it as an October surprise there’s not enough time between when they throw the bomb on election day for the truth to really emerge and, um, it’s just, it’s tacky and it’s what happened to our political system.

This is the same woman whose campaign spread rumors about Mike Castle being gay. Seriously, Christine, shut the fuck up. You are the ultimate practitioner of what you call “tacky” politics. You and your tea party has been using lies, rumors, racism and innuedo since your arrival on the political scene.

Further, this is not tacky. It is tragic. A Horror. And if these charges are true, Eric Bodenweiser is a monster that needs to be put away forever. Yes, forever. Until he dies in prison. Seriously, it is that freaking serious.

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