Wednesday Open Thread [10.24.12]
Rick Klein: “The truth is both sides are worried — Team Obama is nowhere near as confident about its map as public statements suggest, and the Romney surge isn’t as real (or relevant, given battleground-state polling) as Republicans are spinning. Yet it’s that map that governs still — national polls aside, the Romney surge hasn’t spilled into the battlegrounds (particularly Ohio) enough to upend the race in Romney’s favor, at least not yet.”
First Read: “Obama could still lose Ohio and get to 270 electoral votes, and the path is not a nutty path. He does it by winning Wisconsin (a state that hasn’t gone GOP since 84), Iowa (a state Gore carried), New Hampshire (a state Kerry carried), and Colorado. That gets him to 272. Sorta stunning that with all of our focus on FL-OH-VA that they all three could get rendered meaningless by the Rodney Dangerfield of the battleground: Colorado. And this is why, despite some national polls showing Romney either tied or slightly ahead, the narrative has never held that Obama is behind – due to all of his different paths to 270.”
The Romney campaign is not committing to granting any network interviews in the final two weeks of the campaign, Politico reports.
And Josh Romney returns:
With regard to the non-Ohio path for Obama–isn’t it risky to be counting on New Hampshire, which is currently SLIM (as you are using the term) Romney?
Ohio may not be absolutely critical to Obama, but its loss would certainly cut down the number of potential paths to 272
US Attorney in NY sues Bank of America for $1B.
Beware changes!:
Josh Romney reminds me of Bill Hader’s Dateline spoof:

Or the Joker:
Some wealthy wingnut was flushing his money by bidding up Romney/Ohio today. In herited wealth no doubt.
I live in the 23rd Rep district. In Newark. Today, in the mail, I got a campaign flyer from Bill Carson from the 28th. In Smyrna. DUDE! Get somebody on your staff that can read a freakin’ map!!!!!!!!!! Stop wasting money. So stupid. DA.
President Obama, just go win the effing election. But then we’re going to have to talk about your Des Moines Register interview.
Puck, The GOP is sure to be reasonable this time around.