“Sparks Fly at Debate”

Filed in Open Thread by on October 25, 2012

That’s the Delaware state News Headline. The News Journal saw fur flying. Anyway, something was flying. Here is the News Journal’s Jonathan Starkey (mostly paraphrased):

DOVER — Sen. Tom Carper was double teamed by wack-jobs.

Kevin Wade, a teabag, accused Carper of not reading the Affordable Care Act, and basically being a douche.

Carper conceded the point on a technicality. “On the [Senate] Finance committee, (a place you will never see) we work off of plain English language,”

Nut job Alex Pires called bullshit, saying

“The honest answer is Tom didn’t read it. That’s my concern about everything we’ve debated. Tom is filled with half truths. You never read it Tom. Why don’t you just say that?”

Pires got all up in Carper’s grill calling him a “professional parasite” and question his military service, saying he never served in Vietnam despite claims to the contrary.

Carper imagined punching his fist through Pires face and out the back of his head, then collected himself and passionately defended his military service, saying he served in “the region” gathering intelligence during the Vietnam War.

Carper said that the region counts as Viet Nam and stop spitting on Veit Nam vets you dirty hippie.

“I served for five years as a Naval flight officer active duty during the war in Southeast Asia,” Carper said. “I just hope that he will say, that Mr. Pires will say to the P3 crews that were shot down, killed off the coast of Vietnam and Cambodia that they weren’t Vietnam vets. I was a Vietnam veteran. They were Vietnam veterans. It’s time that Vietnam veterans got a little respect from their country,” said Carper to loud applause.

Kevin Wade, was all “WTF!?! over the parasite remark.

“Sen. Carper is no parasite,” Wade said. “He serves his country. I disagree with him. But he’s a man who does his best.”

Some other nobodies were also there.

Carper, talked about much needed postal reform that went nowhere with the GOP whackjobs in Congress.

Some guy…Carney(?) chimed in, blaming Republicans in U.S. House for holding up reform measures.

“There are members of the House Republican Majority who want to drive the Post Office into the ground,” Carney said.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Walt says:

    Carper is a tired old turd and he needs to go. But with three splitting the “Carper Out” vote, it aint gonna happen. He won’t last another six years. When he dies or quits, your Dem Governor will appoint Beau Biden to the seat. Then we’ll be stuck with that asshole for 30 years or so.

  2. Jason330 says:


  3. hmm says:

    This age stuff is ridiculous, he is freaking 65 (the same age as Pires). He still works out regularly and is a health nut. Sure he looks a little worse for the wear. But wtf the man isn’t slowing down any time soon.

  4. Andy says:

    While I have my issues with Senator Carper even at his age he could probably run circles around most of the people that post here and I do not think I know any of them personally but I have seen Mr. Carper when he was Governor up before 5 in the morning doing his run through Dover and I am sure that routine has not changed very much