Delaware Liberal

Now this is a strong shot of Schadenfreude (Updated with Embedded Video)

Update–Thanks to John Young, we now have the embedded video!

I can’t embed the video, but please go watch it over at Gawker. It will become an instant viral classic. It contains very NSFW language, so be forewarned. And it is long, but you need to listen to the whole thing. It is a master piece.

It was posted by a conservative activist named Shelly Dankert who is ranting and raving at her fellow conservative and libertarians who did not vote for or support Mitt Romney due to their ideological purity, and at other conservatives who would not share her other conservative links and videos on Facebook and Twitter, which Shelly is convinced would have somehow singlehandedly defeated Obama last night. LOL.

I do have some sympathy for her. I remember feeling much like her on November 6, 2004 after Kerry lost, railing against similar liberal purists who loved Dean and would not vote for Kerry because he was not pure enough. Indeed, old Daily Kos readers back then will remember my infamous “F*ck Ohio” post concerning those same purists being upset that Kerry did not contest Ohio. My oh my have the tables have turned. It is quite ironic, since Ohio is the state that clinched it last night for the President (although the landslide was so vast that he did not need it).

And now Shelly is pissed. Very pissed. And very drunk.

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