Delaware Liberal

John Scalzi Has A Few Words for the White Folk Freaking Out Over 4 More Years

What I really wish I could do is to ignore Fair Use and just repost the entire damn thing here. But to refresh, John Scalzi is the author of my Favorite Political Blog Post of All Time, and runs the blog Whatever, where he hold forth taunting the untauntable. Scalzi has provided some thoughts on the election, specifically directed to the white people in End Stage Freakout over the President’s win. Go over right now and read his entire post — Some Quick and Final Post-Election Notes to Some But Not All White Men.

He provides seven observations meant to remind conservatives that what they are feeling is being hit with Reality:

2. Second, stop believing that the problem was that Romney didn’t sell the message. He sold it just fine. So did Paul Ryan. So did the GOP candidates you favor. So did hundreds of millions of dollars worth of ads funded by SuperPACs. The problem isn’t the selling of the message. The problem is the message. Everyone else got the message. They just said “thanks, no,” to it. Stop being the guy who thinks the message will work by restating it again in a slightly different, often louder, way. That says “You’re stupid enough not to notice I’m selling the same message.” This is not a good way to convince people.


Got any other reassuring observations for these people? Put them in the comments.

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