Who will make the 4th Annual MVP (Most Valuable to the Progressive Cause) Awards List?
We’re open for any and all of your suggestions. Here are the criteria:
1. This list is Delaware-specific. Those who most helped the progressive cause in Delaware this year.
2. Nominees need not be progressives to qualify. Both Christine O’Donnell and Tony DeLuca previously made the list. I’m thinking that John Sigler is a shoo-in this year…
3. Nominees do not have to come solely from the political arena. In fact, I would love to recognize those who are doing great work away from the headlines.
4. Nominees will only be considered in the form of on-line responses to this thread. Those submitting nominations must have some supporting statement on behalf of the candidacy.
Deadline for nominations is Sunday, December 9.
Last year, three of those who made the final list came from you. I’m looking to at least more of the same this year.
Finally, the ultimate list will be determined by me, and me alone. I like to think of myself as a benevolent despot, but YMMV.
For inspiration, here are the three previous MVP Awards editions:
Nominate away!