Archive for November, 2012

Saturday Open Thread [11.10.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 10, 2012 12 Comments

Scott Farris. author of Almost President, a history of failed presidential candidates, told the Washington Post that Mitt Romney’s concession speech didn’t reflect the urgency of healing a divided nation: “While he congratulated Obama, he never really validated the result by saying ‘the people have spoken’ … Praying for the president is nice, but it is not the same as validating the election. […] It was a speech that sounded as if he did not emerge from the election with much respect, let alone affection, for the president. He sounded as if he really expected to win and was immensely disappointed in the result — even more so than usual.”

Oh well, the feeling is mutual.

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QOTD — What Story Do These Maps Tell You?

Filed in National by on November 10, 2012 21 Comments
QOTD — What Story Do These Maps Tell You?

Just look.

Some more self evident maps inside.

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Idiotic Sussex GOP Still Doesn’t Get it

Filed in National by on November 10, 2012 16 Comments

This email was sent from the Sussex County GOP’s Executive Committee to their fellow angry nutbags.




“Come and vent!” Indeed, because how could the black guy have won again? Why couldn’t the unpopulated, angry racists parts of the country get even a few votes for the vulture capitalist and the Grover Norquist hand puppet, and his “victory through inflicting pain on the middle class economics?”

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [11.10.12]

Filed in Delaware by on November 10, 2012 2 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [11.10.12]

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David Petraeus admits to affair, resigns from CIA

Filed in National by on November 9, 2012 23 Comments

CIA Director David Petraeus submitted his resignation to President Barack Obama citing personal reasons, a U.S. government source tells CNN Intelligence Correspondent Suzanne Kelly. The source said Petraeus admitted to an extramarital affair and that is why he is resigning.

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The Economy Speech — President Obama Speaks Live at 1:05 Today

Filed in National by on November 9, 2012 20 Comments

President Obama is speaking today at 1:05 about the economy and (presumably) about the so-called “fiscal cliff” that will roll back the Bush tax cuts and implement serious cuts to several government agencies (including the DOD). Remember throughout all of this — the GOP and their Democratic deficit hawks have been publicly hand wringing about too much spending and too big deficits. Just letting these two things happen put a substantial dent into both. That’s just basic math. There’s not many hints as to where President Obama will take this conversation, but there are some hints.

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Filed in National by on November 9, 2012 15 Comments

After his victory speech, President Obama tried to call both House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) “but was told they were asleep,” the New York Times reports. Bull. Fracking. Shit. McConnell was awake writing a petulant statement that was released to the press that early morning. And Boehner was on his third pack of cigarettes that hour.

Seriously, they were not asleep. And they refused a call from the President because they were sore losers.

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Friday Open Thread [11.9.12]

Filed in National by on November 9, 2012 10 Comments

The last time the Republican Party won a Presidential election without somebody named Nixon or Bush on the ticket was 1928. It is likely that Hillary Clinton will win the Presidency in 2016 and extend that streak to at least 2020, or 92 years.

Election Day, Tuesday, November 6, 2012 was Delaware Liberal’s busiest day in its history. We got 15,339 page views, topping the previous record set on the Thursday after the 2010 primary when the nation decided to visit Delaware Liberal to learn about the wonderous Christine O’Donnell. And we are one or two months away from our 5 millionth visit.

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Too soon? Clinton and Christie Lead in New Hamshire Polling

Filed in National by on November 9, 2012 13 Comments

Public Policy Polling took an early look at the 2016 presidential field in New Hampshire. The firm found two clear frontrunners in the race: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for the Republicans and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the Democrats.

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2012 Was The Year Of The Woman

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 9, 2012 31 Comments

Women made up 53% of the electorate this year and Republicans failed spectacularly, again, at basic math.  My guess is that they’ll keep on failing, choosing to focus on Hispanics while ignoring that Hispanic women are part of that whopping 53%.  So are African American women and Asian women – which means that women are the biggest voter demographic Republicans need to win an election.

Republicans are frighteningly out of touch with women who handed the election to President Obama.  They refused to accept, and even mocked – I’m looking at you, Joe Scarborough – that women’s reproductive rights were a serious economic concern.  They dismissed rape in the way one dismisses a hangnail.  And they lost.  Big time.

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So, How’d I Do?

Filed in National by on November 9, 2012 24 Comments

So that there be no revisionist history on my part, here were my predictions.

Overall record: 37-3.

Come inside for what I got wrong and what I got right.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [11.9.12]

Filed in Delaware by on November 9, 2012 5 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [11.9.12]

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Even more good news – Ted Nugent will be dead or in jail in 156 days!

Filed in National by on November 9, 2012 2 Comments

“If Barack Obama becomes the President in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

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