Archive for November, 2012

Good for Coons – voting needs to be fixed

Filed in National by on November 16, 2012 8 Comments

I was hoping voting would be would be an issue this year, so I’m glad Senator Coons proposed this:

His bill is a multipronged effort to improve access to the polls. It asks states to create flexible registration opportunities, emphasize early voting periods, promote no-excuse absentee voting, provide foreign language assistance, improve accessibility for disabled voters, train election officials, audit polls with long wait times and create contingency plans for voting during natural and other disasters.

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Unions scapegoated as vulture capital firm liquidates Hostess

Filed in National by on November 16, 2012 21 Comments

We all see what is happening, right? Hostess management claims that greedy striking workers are responsible for plant closings, and the lap dog press reports it even though the Wall Street owners of Hostess already planned to close plants even if the workers accepted the cuts and stayed at work.

Baker’s Union President Frank Hurt says the workers knew the score all along:

Our members know that the plans all along of the Wall Street investors currently in control of this company did not include the operation of Hostess Brands any longer than it takes to sell the company in whole—or in part—in a way that will maximize the profits of these vulture capitalists regardless of the impact on the workforce.

Huzzah for job creators!!

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Friday Open Thread [11.16.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on November 16, 2012 26 Comments
Friday Open Thread [11.16.12]

The Republicans don’t want to retool their message, which is excellent news for us:

“Two weeks after their presidential election defeat, Republican Party leaders are falling into roughly two camps as they struggle to explain what happened and devise ways to broaden the party’s base. Some top GOP officials worry their message is wrong for a rapidly diversifying population, and that fundamental shifts in policy may be required. But the more dominant voice, and the one gaining currency within the center of the party, says such drama isn’t necessary. It asserts that Mitt Romney’s loss to President Barack Obama was primarily a tactical failure, a combination of poor articulation of GOP positions and a weak effort to register voters and move them to the polls. Better execution on both, they say, would have swung the few hundred thousand votes in a few states that would have tipped the presidential election the other way.”

Maybe they will learn in 2024, after two terms each of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, while facing Texas Governor Julian Castro.

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Republicans finally get a scandal they can love

Filed in National by on November 16, 2012 10 Comments

A TPM reader nailed the reason why the GOP has fallen in love with this pitiful excuse for a scandal. Unlike birth certificate claims, or college transcript nuttiness that can be easily debunked and laughed off, this scandal comes complete with shoals of red herrings and over a half-dozen movable goalposts. It is perfect for wingnut Senators who are addicted to being interviewed on TV.

It’s kind of a scandal that means whatever its proponents want it to mean: failure to secure the consulate, attempts to cover up nature of attack, attempts to downplay its significance, failure to call it terror. Related but distinct charges that get refreshed each day by people who know there’s no there there. Frankly it makes me nervous. The made-up scandals are hardest to resolve and most likely to expand in scope.

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It is not our “Duty” to talk about bullsh*t.

Filed in National by on November 16, 2012 23 Comments

From one of our commenters:

Meanwhile in the real world….Israel is assembling troops for a possible ground attack, the fiscal cliff crisis still looms and that pesky Benghazi investigation is heating up. Has DL gone brain dead since the election?

Let’s talk about this one by one.

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SEIU trying to pierce Carper’s bubble: “We need jobs not cuts”

Filed in National by on November 16, 2012 1 Comment
SEIU trying to pierce Carper’s bubble: “We need jobs not cuts”

Economist agree. This isn’t the time for cuts. This is a time for investments in public infrastructure and stimulus. The only people who think the current jihad on jobs is a good idea are residents of the DC bubble like Senator Tom Carper.

To help try and penetrate the bubble a little bit, the letter below, signed by 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union, Americans for Democratic Action, the Newark branch of the NAACP, the Delaware branch of the National Organization for Women, the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare and the Delaware State AFL-CIO was delivered to Senator Carper at his offices yesterday. The photo provides a tidy summary of what the SEIU and other organizations calling for budgetary sanity are up against.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [11.16.12]

Filed in Delaware by on November 16, 2012 1 Comment
Friday Daily Delawhere [11.16.12]

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Vice President Biden on NBC’s Parks & Recreation tonight at 9:30 pm

Filed in National by on November 15, 2012 8 Comments

Make sure you tune in. Good ole Papa Joe is the comedic relief in the Obama Administration, as his portrayal in the Onion satire can attest. Some of the jokes are not goodnatured, especially among sore loser and unfunny conservatives.

No matter how harsh the joke, Delawareans seem to take pride in their most famous (and most powerful) son. Delaware may be small, but it swells with a tight-knit pride. And those were the feelings running through [Parks & Recreation star Aubrey] Plaza — Delaware’s fastest rising Hollywood star — as she found herself in Washington, D.C., with the man himself.

“One of the coolest things about him and everyone in Delaware is this weird Delaware pride we all have,” she says. “I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s something in the chemicals leaking into the ground, but we’re all really psyched about being from Delaware and he’s the face of that.”

It’s true, when maybe not about the chemicals, but about the Delaware pride bit.

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A Howard Dean Meetup Reunion?

Filed in National by on November 15, 2012 4 Comments

I know some of my old Howard Dean peeps are out there lurking. How about a meetup to reminisce about the good old days of “people powered Howard” and how we scared the pants off Karl Rove?

Contact me through email if there is any interest in getting the band back together.

Speaking of Howard Dean and Karl Rove, there is this now…

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The Polling Report [11.15.12]

Filed in National by on November 15, 2012 37 Comments
The Polling Report [11.15.12]

So you thought that since the election was over that the Polling Report would cease to exist? You thought you were rid of me? Muwhahahaha! Never. You see, polling never goes away. It merely takes little breaks. It’s true, the Polling Report will appear less frequently than before. I think I will start off on a weekly basis and see how that goes. But when I get a pile of polling news, I will post a polling report. Now, the polling we report can be on the 2013 state gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey, the 2014 Midterm congressional election and gubernatorial elections, or the 2016 presidential primaries.

But before we do that, let’s look at some analysis of the ultimate 2012 poll, i.e. the election, showed.

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Thursday Open Thread [11.15.12]

Filed in National by on November 15, 2012 32 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [11.15.12]

“This is a president unusually focused in the present on what his legacy will be in the future. With Obama’s reelection, one foundational element of that legacy has been secured: the Affordable Care Act, which, had he been defeated, would not only likely have been repealed but retrospectively reduced to one of the causes of his loss. Now, with a second term ahead of him, among Obama’s paramount goals, say his advisers, is to add another glittering trophy to his mantle: at least one more domestic-policy reform tantamount in importance to near-universal health care.”

“The shiniest such prize would be the achievement of a grand bargain on entitlements and tax reform: a bipartisan agreement that would put the nation’s fiscal house in order for years, and maybe decades, to come. The extent to which Obama pines for this was illustrated by his ardent pursuit of such a megadeal in 2011, which ultimately fell apart when House Speaker John Boehner proved unable to move the tea-party faction in his caucus to accept new revenues.”

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In Praise of Tom McGonigle

Filed in National by on November 15, 2012 2 Comments

I see that Tom McGonigle, Gov. Jack Markell’s Chief of Staff, is stepping down from public service to return to private practice.

Just for the record, Tom McGonigle is one of the finest public servants I’ve ever come across. A real straight-shooter, skilled at bringing people together, smart (but never in that ‘let me show you how smart I am’ way), very serious, and compassionate. And, did I mention self-effacing? Be honest, how many of you even knew that he was Jack’s chief-of-staff?

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Generic Tom Gordon Post

Filed in Delaware by on November 15, 2012 15 Comments

Tom Gordon mafia, go crazy. Tom Gordon haters, have a field day.

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