Democrats for Sigler!
John Sigler’s tenure as the Crown Prince of Crazytown has been an unmitigated disaster for the DE GOP. Therefor, it behooves all clear thinking Dems to help him retain his position in the face of this challenge by the popular (28%!) and uh…charismatic (?)Jeff Cragg.
Actually, now that I think about it. I can’t imagine Cragg being any better than Sigler, especially given the raw material they’ve got to work with. This appears to be a win/win for Democrats. And a win/win/WIN! if it turns ugly.
If the Republican Party of Delaware is to ever be saved, it will be on the back of Mike Protack. Before you scoff, go back and see the debate footage of him, Markell, and Carney, in the primary debates of 2008. Not since Pete Dupont, has anyone stood up for Republican values as has he… of course the party structure has been throwing mud on him for years. But the footage of those debates, shows that perhaps the Republican Party’s problem, is that party’s structure which is responsible for the loss of control of the House of Delegates, no voice in the Senate, and led to no statewide candidate elected in a very long time… It is pretty obvious that the problem with the party, is not Protack. Before commenting: Check out the footage.
Democrats for Protack!
Wow! Unmitigated disaster? I think you’re being extremely generous. 😉