Sunday Open Thread [12.23.12]
Anyone in the mood for an Open Thread? Most of us are deep into Christmas preparations and celebrations, but if you are touching base with us here, let us know what interests you this weekend. Since it is the Holiday Season here, you can expect posting to be light by the Editors here who are scattered to the four corners of the earth this week. Here are a couple of things that caught my eye while I’m waiting for the cocktail hour:
Wayne LaPierre was on MTP today, where by multiple accounts, David Gregory roused himself to grill LaPierre fairly rigorously. (I didn’t see it, did you?) LaPierre was well into his Up Is Down rhetoric this morning if this clip is representative:
And it didn’t help that the man was literally frothing at the mouth. LaPierre has been getting quite the pushback on his The Cure for Guns Is More Guns bullshit. But be on the lookout for when the media is tired of not being able to budge LaPierre and this becomes the newly laundered wingnut solution. Even the conservative New York Post thought LaPierre was nuts:
Oh, and how about this for responsible gun stewardship by a leader of the NRA — NRA Leader’s Son Fired at Another Motorist During a Road Rage Incident. Clearly this motorist would not have had a problem if he had an armed guard riding shotgun. Oops!
Alex Pareene over at Salon has been working on his 2012 Political Hack List and aguess who is Number 1? Politico!
When you see a joint Allen-VandeHei byline, you can safely expect the worst. When fellow Politico big shots John Harris and Jonathan Martin write a piece, they report on politics. When Allen and VandeHei write, they craft narrative. If the narrative bears no little relation to reality, or is simply self-serving spin from a professional political operative, no matter: Now the narrative is “out there,” because Politico is proud of its ability to create its own buzz and then report on that buzz.
Allen and VandeHei’s 2012 campaign was a wild roller-coaster ride of shifting narratives, starring campaign heroes and goats who occasionally switched from one role to the other in the space of a few weeks.
Just go read the whole thing — it is the PERFECT summary of everything that is wrong with that kind of reporting. PERFECT. More of this year’s Hack List can be found here, and includes the WaPo, Newsweek, The Drudge Report, HuffPo, MSNBC and CNN among others.
Let’s close out with one more responsible gun owner: Retired police officer shoots and kills his son, mistaking him for a burglar.
And I almost forgot! Today is Festivus, and we always have alot of problems with you people. So feel free to use this Open Thread to air your grievances, but save your feats of strength for the head of your own households.
My wife Cindy, and our children Robbie and Delaney, want to wish all of our friends at Delaware Liberal a great holiday season.
All of you have provided information, great discussions, support, but mostly this is an oasis for us residents of Sussex County.
Recently, I was asked what was the best part of running for office, and the answer is simple–all of the friendships that my family and I gained. Friendships with many of you.
Lastly, as a resident of Greenwood, I must ask this of you:
The next time you drive through Greenwood, please speed — We’re trying to build a new park.
Happy Holidays, Jim
Tomorrow I intend to drop a few things off at the local thrift shop (Goodwill, Salvation Army). I will go to the
back for drop off, then enter the store at front for what is my most special moment of the season. Randomly, I will notice a mother, family, elder making that desperate attempt to buy a gift(s) or clothing to pull off Christmas in their home. Their dilemma will be very obvious. Sadly. At which point, I will convene myself in the line behind them w/ some purchase, and when the total hits, I’ll instruct them to go on, it’s covered and Merry Christmas. Why this way? Because I detest the Santa programs that have become overrun w/ the same people, and who’s names appear on several “community” lists. I cringe those programs think they have to supply the latest electronic gadget, and recipients just know they are going to get it. I don’t like that distribution begins early December from lists people have placed themselves on in September. I am galled that adults’ wishes appear with the children’s. I could no longer do the season of charity and benevolence this way, when I was seething inside. I had to get my Christmas Spirit back, and this I fell into a long time ago. If I’m paying the tab at a thrift store on Christmas Eve, I know a mother, father, elder, family is trying to live within their means, and provide a Christmas with meaning and simplicity. But, it’s not until Christmas Eve, they’ve been able to get it together to see what is leftover from whatever funds they have or have been saving for. I just love these folks. Doing their best with cash, and probably providing some real valuable lessons to their families, and creating lasting memories from the season. Hopefully, that found money gets reinvested into further providing a special memory or meal for the home. They know the value of a dollar. Feliz Navidad.
And here’s another responsible gun owner.
It’s an absolute run on responsible gun owners:
Talkin’ about coming back to bite you in the ass. Hmmm.
Mike Crapo, R Senator from Idaho arrested for DUI.
Family values strikes again.
Five state troopers stationed in the Apple Store in Christiana Mall last night. None in the Microsoft Store.
There’s a Microsoft store? 😉
Yes, except when you walk in, before you can do anything you have to stand inexplicably frozen for thirty seconds while Microsoft goes through your wallet and writes down all your credit card numbers, and looks at your receipts to see what other stores you have been going to.
Don’t the Mormons have something against consuming alcohol?
I simply can’t write a post on this on Christmas Eve – BUT I SHOULD, and maybe I will later, but for now:
What the f*ck is wrong with us – and, make no mistake, something is very wrong with us.
@cassandra as much as I appreciate the New York Post front page image depicting Wayne as a gun nut, you have to admit that the most outrageous claim that the Post has made in recent years is on the other side of that cover: that the Giants were somehow ready to take on the Ravens.
So on that cover we’d give them what, 50% credibility?
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Nope. 100% credibility. That guy is nuts… and I hope he keeps talking!
Merry Christmas, Steve!
@Steve, surely we always take a hometown paper boosting their team’s chances with a grain of salt. In the case of the Giants, however, I’m pretty certain the sports editors OD’ed on spiked egg nog.
I ahd the EXTEREME pleasure of delivering food with my little one to needy families….been doing it for years. My work allows me to identify families in need – and has for years.
I simplynshow up, unannounced with good fresh organic food…….we raise and slaughter some of it. But a family of 6 getting a fresh ( as in alive ) that morning hunk of protien ( beef, pig, turkey, chicken) hand raised and well fed, is something they love.
Makes my family feel good and their family too
Been doing this for many years. I too stay away from the lists….i do donate to toys for tots but dont like govong money to lare top heavy orgs…..that fund large coorporate salaries……
NOLLAIG SHONA DHUIT. To all at Delaware Liberal.
Nice to know that we persoannlt live what we preach. And I know most of you have the means…..and are willing to put it towrads those of our society that do not…….all year long.
“Obama to cut vacation short to deal with fiscal crisis”
How unlike 2010, when Obama jetted off to Afghanistan while his signature middle-class tax cuts were busy failing on the Senate floor. Let’s hope he is not coming home to make a deal that is worse than expiration.