Archive for December, 2012

Raising The Medicare Age Has Insurance Companies Saying, “Whoa”

Filed in National by on December 6, 2012 5 Comments

Like we couldn’t see this coming.

The possibility that Democratic and Republican leaders will agree to slowly increase the Medicare eligibility age to 67 is creating strange bedfellows: liberals — both in and out of Congress — and the health insurance industry.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [12.6.12]

Filed in Delaware by on December 6, 2012 2 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [12.6.12]

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I’ll bet you can guess some of the most overpaid actors…

Filed in National by on December 5, 2012 6 Comments

…that is to say, the ones who brought in the least money relative to what they were paid to be in a movie.

Nichalas Cage? Yep. Adam Sandler? Of course.

Here’s the full top ten according to Forbes:

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Carney’s discharge petition statement

Filed in National by on December 5, 2012 4 Comments

Carney signs petition to force vote on extension of middle-class tax cuts WASHINGTON — Congressman John Carney (D-DE) today signed a discharge petition, which if signed by 218 members would force a vote on an extension of the middle-class tax cuts: “Today, I signed a discharge petition in an attempt to force a vote in […]

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Comment Rescue – How Republicans win

Filed in National by on December 5, 2012 11 Comments

If some future civilization studies us, and wonders how Republicans stayed relevant in spite of the fact that their policies continuously failed, and proposals were roundly hated – I hope some unearths this exchange. …

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Delaware Liberal’s Holiday Extravaganza

Filed in National by on December 5, 2012 23 Comments

I had actually forgotten about our yearly holiday extravaganza, but, luckily, commenter Dave sent me an email asking if I could put up a post on Random Acts of Kindness performed by DL’s readership this holiday season.  Use the thread below to share your random acts of kindness (Bet you guys have some great ideas!) […]

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Wednesday Open Thread [12.5.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on December 5, 2012 14 Comments

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In honor of Senator Townsend’s swearing in today….

Filed in Delaware by on December 5, 2012 5 Comments

… here is a video interview of him from the Newark Post:

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John Carney signs Discharge Petion to allow vote on middle class tax cuts

Filed in National by on December 5, 2012 6 Comments

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

154. John C. Carney Delaware At Large

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Kowalko on the Newark Smart Meter Project

Filed in Delaware by on December 5, 2012 0 Comments

The following is a letter to the editor that is being or has been submitted to various news outlets from State Representative and public and progressive champion John Kowalko. He points out where the city of Newark gets it right with their Smart Meter project and where DP&L and others get it wrong. Click through to read the letter. And thanks to Mr. Kowalko for sending this our way.

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College Dorms For Young Guns

Filed in National by on December 5, 2012 15 Comments

I am probably going to regret writing a gun post, but… here goes.

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Blevins, unanimous choice for President Pro Tem of the Senate, starts today

Filed in Delaware by on December 5, 2012 2 Comments

Matt Denn via facebook:

When the Delaware State Senate reconvenes today, my longtime friend Senator Patricia Blevins will be elected as the new President Pro Tem of the State Senate. I have worked with Senator Blevins for over 15 years on consumer issues and children’s issues, and the state is incredibly lucky to have her in this new leadership role. It will also be an exciting day for new State Senators Nicole Saville Poore, Bryan Townsend, Ernie Lopez, and Greg Lavelle, who will be sworn in before their friends and family.

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Dear GOP, More racially motivated voter supression efforts please.

Filed in National by on December 5, 2012 19 Comments

The GOP’s voter suppression efforts backfired spectacularly.

They “flipped a switch with the African American vote,” Chanelle Hardy, a vice president at the National Urban League said, rekindling whatever enthusiasm had waned after 2008’s historic Obama win.

“We’d been struggling for many years in our communities with how we make the argument that our parents and grandparents had handed down to us: ‘you must vote, because people fought and died for you to have the right to vote.’ It starts to become a little less motivating the further away you get away from those really visceral memories of what it took to get to the polls,” Hardy said. “But then you bring back a 35 state assault on our ability to vote and it starts getting really reminiscent. All of the things our parents were telling us and our grandparents were telling us become visceral to a new generation.”

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