Archive for December, 2012

Wednesday Open Thread [12.12.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on December 12, 2012 12 Comments

Lest no one say that I do not give credit where credit is due: Kudos to Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart for doing her job in fining State Farm Insurance for shafting its insureds. Granted, 150K is a mere pittance to these multi billion dollar monsters who are awash in cash but still immorally deny coverage, but still. If there is one area where I am a socialist, it is on the issue of insurance. Private Insurance is nothing for than a fraudulent scam, and the entire industry should be nationalized.

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Holder Reccomends National Voting Standards

Filed in National by on December 12, 2012 6 Comments

Like having the wealthiest pay their fair share in taxes, this is wildly popular and probably impossible because …AWESOME BIPARTISANSHIP!!!

Attorney General Eric Holder said during a speech on Tuesday night at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library that it’s time to consider setting national standards for how elections should be handled.

“A recent study by the MacArthur Foundation found that nearly 90 percent of those who voted in last month’s election would support creating national voting standards,” Holder said, according to prepared remarks.

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The Mayans were Right.

Filed in National by on December 12, 2012 9 Comments

The world is going to end in 9 days. How do I know this? Well, because I agree with something Glenn Beck said, and what he said was actually understandable, logical, and reasonable.

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New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Filed in Delaware by on December 12, 2012 29 Comments

Yea! More development! I told you Tom Gordon had no interest in stemming the tide of overdevelopment.

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The Coolest Poll of the Year

Filed in National by on December 12, 2012 0 Comments

Public Policy Polling was the third most accurate polling outfit this cycle (Behind Ipsos/Reuters and YouGov, according to this study). An awesome showing by a Democratic-leaning group that is making its name on delivering good data, rather than trying to move the news cycle. (Rasmussen came in 14th, so how about those false equivalency apples?) So who could blame them for taking their victory lap by providing a new comprehensive poll on Americans’ thoughts on Christmas?

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [12.12.12]

Filed in Delaware by on December 12, 2012 1 Comment
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [12.12.12]

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Late Night Video — EXXON Hates Your Children

Filed in National by on December 11, 2012 11 Comments

The Other 98% has created this ad that sounds as though it will air nationally next week. It is meant to point out the absurdity of giving EXXON $10B in taxpayer subsidies while climate change is making itself felt. It also helps that this is circulating during the “fiscal cliff” BS — if John Boehner is looking for cuts to save money, here is one to start with.

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‘Bulo’s Best Songs of 2012–Part 1

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on December 11, 2012 4 Comments

…. Presented, as always, in countdown fashion, starting with… First Aid Kit’s “Emmylou”

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Tuesday Open Thread [12.11.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on December 11, 2012 31 Comments

“In the immediate wake of the election, Republicans felt so stunned — in no small part because they had deluded themselves into expecting victory — that it seemed momentarily possible that the party’s long march to the right may halt or even reverse. But the future of the party is already taking shape, and that future will be, in some form or fashion, a conservative reaction against the Republican leadership that has sold them out. The smarter Republicans have already shaken off the trauma of electoral defeat and begun positioning themselves to capitalize.”

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The All Time, Mostly Indisputable, Top 4 Christmas Covers

Filed in National by on December 11, 2012 13 Comments

4. “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” – U2 (1987)

There are tons of great covers on that ’87 fundraiser for the Special Olympics, but this one really holds up. Phil Spector meets U2 – what’s not to like?

3. “The Little Drummer Boy” – David Bowie and Bing Crosby (1977)

The banter is crazy 1970’s TV special writing, but the beauty of version rescues an otherwise insipid song.

Come inside for the final 2….

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CHANGE OF LOCATION – DL’s Holiday Extravaganza

Filed in National by on December 11, 2012 8 Comments

Did you know that area establishments book up early on December weekends? Who knew?

I’m really sorry about this change of plan, and I take full responsibility for the mix up. We are moving the Extravaganza to Timothy’s on the Riverfront. Same date, same time.

In keeping with tradition, please bring food for the Food Bank of Delaware. We will be collecting the goodies and necessities and then delivering them the Food Bank. Let’s make someone’s season bright!

Date: Friday, December 14th

Place: Timothy’s (Riverfront)

Time: 7:00p.m.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [12.11.12]

Filed in Delaware by on December 11, 2012 3 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [12.11.12]

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In addition to being wrong about everything,

Filed in National by on December 11, 2012 7 Comments

…Republicans have to be the most gullible suckers to ever walk the face of the earth.

According to FEC data released December 6, Dick Morris’ Super PAC for America paid conservative news outlet Newsmax Media roughly $1.7 million for “fundraising” in October and November. A significant portion of the super PAC’s money likely went to renting Morris’ own email list, which is operated by Newsmax Media.

A Media Matters review found that in the month before the election, Morris sent at least 21 emails to his mailing list featuring fundraising pitches that were “paid for by Super PAC for America.” Super PAC also “paid for” at least 25 emails to’s main email list during the same period.

Separating gullible GOP dupes from their money was taken to new heights this year.

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