Delaware Liberal

Les Miserables was great… just face it

I saw it last night at the People’s Plaza Regal Cinema. It was great. And that isn’t some empty praise from a musical theater fanboy. I typically hate the modern Andrew-Lloyd-Webber-Cameron-Mackintosh bullshit musicals that are all singing. (Throw some dialogue in for Christsake so people know what the hell is going on. Would a couple sentences of exposition kill you Sir, Lloyd-Webber?)

Anyway, I know you want to hate it, but suck it up. It was great.

My one quibble has to do with the fact that the musical compresses time so much that it appears the Revolution of 1848 lasted for one day. In fact, the socialists swept the Bourbon monarchists out of France for good and for a time ran a government with a government under the banner of Liberté, égalité, fraternité, establishing that ‘The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789’ would be a guiding force in France going forward.




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