Today is the public celebration and commemoration of the inauguration of President Barack Obama for his second term. There’s probably plenty of coverage on TV of the leadup to the main event, which looks like it starts around 11. For those of you following the events, this thread is for you to comment on whatever strikes your fancy. If you are at work, you can see Inauguration events live streaming from CSPAN, the White House website (not until 11:20), NBC News, CNN and others. If you can only listen, NPR will start its coverage around 11 or 11:30 and WDEL will start coverage around 11:30. The Delaware Democrats are having a watch party at Timothy’s starting around 11:30, but I think that if you haven’t RSVPed before now, they are probably all booked up.
Barack Obama’s 2nd inauguration comes on Martin Luther King day, in the year of the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 100th year since the death of Harriet Tubman. So there is alot of history to think about today and while we celebrate President Obama’s 2nd term, I think we should be considering how we get engaged with the next four years of history to make the kind of changes that might honor our own ancestors’ work.
Or, you could join in with Bill in Portland Maine as he will be spending the day telling the obstructionists of the last four years to Suck It.
Happy Inauguration Day, everyone!