Archive for January, 2013

5,000,000 other Earths in The Milky Way Galaxy

Filed in National by on January 5, 2013 6 Comments

One of those 5,000,000 is going to be the very first very earth-like planet to be discovered – THIS YEAR!   That means science’s long held dream of sex with blue chicks is just around the corner.

So, let’s do the math.   If only .00001 percent have intelligent life on them,  that’s 50 planets that can come and rescue our sorry asses with their pyramid power.  Either that or use us for food.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [1.5.13]

Filed in Delaware by on January 5, 2013 0 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [1.5.13]

A snowy scene along 2nd Street in New Castle. I love the colonial flag.

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Funny because it is true

Filed in National by on January 4, 2013 1 Comment
Funny because it is true

Click through for a larger version to see why it’s funny.

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Holy Shi… Look who might have solved the phoney debt ceiling “crisis”

Filed in National by on January 4, 2013 2 Comments
Holy Shi…  Look who might have solved the phoney debt ceiling “crisis”

Michael Castle: Unsuspecting godfather of the $1 trillion coin solution

The story starts in 1995, when Rep. Michael Castle, then the Republican at-large representative for Delaware, took over as head of the House Financial Services subcommittee on domestic and international monetary policy. Issues of coinage were part of that subcommittee’s jurisdiction, and so Castle — who tells me that he personally has never collected coins or previously hadn’t had much interest in coin issues — started working with coin collectors and others to draft legislation on the topic.

Castle’s biggest accomplishment in the role was the 50-state quarter program, which involved issuing 50 differently designed quarters in the order the states were admitted to the Union (it isn’t a coincidence that Castle’s home state of Delaware was the first admitted). But he also drafted a bill, the Commemorative Coin Authorization and Reform Act of 1995, that included this provision:

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of the Treasury may mint and issue platinum coins in such quantity and of such variety as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.

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Friday Open Thread [1.4.13]

Filed in National by on January 4, 2013 27 Comments

“It’s a little bit like being the head caretaker of the cemetery. There are a lot of people under you, but nobody listens.” — Rep. Hal Rodgers (R-KY), quoted by the New York Times, describing House Speaker John Boehner’s leadership.

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Oh Joe.

Filed in Delaware by on January 4, 2013 6 Comments

This video captures all aspects of the Schmoozer in Chief. Sometimes he is funny. Sometimes he is charming. And then there are sometimes he is a little creepy.

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My Advice To Dems: Ignore Republicans

Filed in National by on January 4, 2013 18 Comments

Republicans are in tough guy mode.  Lots of chest thumping and trash talk going on as they, once again, thrust the debt ceiling onto center stage.  The howling is quite intense, and, as usual, our awesome media will latch onto the hysterics with a passion that would make a Twilight fan blush.  My advice to Dems… Ignore it.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [1.4.13]

Filed in Delaware by on January 4, 2013 4 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [1.4.13]

Kelly’s Logan House bar and restaurant in the Trolley Square neighborhood of Wilmington. Who was this establishment named for?

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The Trillion dollar Reagan “Super Freedom” Coin – Sign the Petition

Filed in National by on January 4, 2013 3 Comments

It really is the most sensible – and legal! – way out of the debt ceiling nonsense. Sign the petition. Atrios added that putting Reagan on it would be a hoot.  I whole heartedly agree.

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Tweet of the Day

Filed in National by on January 4, 2013 0 Comments

Some people say we should eat vegetables, some say we should eat broken glass. Democrats believe in a balanced diet of veggies and glass. — @drgrist via TweetDeck via dkos

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Chris Christie tells the truth about the GOP House

Filed in National by on January 3, 2013 9 Comments

I’ve pulled out some of my favorite quotes:

“There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims, the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner. This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. National disasters happen in red states and blue states and states with Democratic governors and Republican governors. We respond to innocent victims of natural disasters, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans. Or at least we did until last night.”

Extra points here for saying “Democratic

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in Open Thread by on January 3, 2013 8 Comments
Thursday Open Thread

Ezra Klein: “What’s the record of the 112th Congress? Well, it almost shut down the government and almost breached the debt ceiling. It almost went over the fiscal cliff (which it had designed in the first place). It cut a trillion dollars of discretionary spending in the Budget Control Act and scheduled another trillion in spending cuts through an automatic sequester, which everyone agrees is terrible policy. It achieved nothing of note on housing, energy, stimulus, immigration, guns, tax reform, infrastructure, climate change or, really, anything. It’s hard to identify a single significant problem that existed prior to the 112th Congress that was in any way improved by its two years of rule.”

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The Delaware Liberal – Progressive Dem Vote Tracker

Filed in National by on January 3, 2013 18 Comments
The Delaware Liberal – Progressive Dem Vote Tracker

Since El Somnambulo will be easing back on his daily pre game / post game reports during the upcoming 2013 Legislative session, we are introducing a new vote tracker to stay on top of legislation in the coming new year. Specifically, we will be tracking legislation that furthers or hinders liberal and progressive policy positions, and recording how our Democratic State Representatives and Senators vote on the legislation. To that end, Delaware Liberal is partnering with the Progressive Democrats for Delaware to track how their endorsed candidates voted in regards to their legislative priorities.

I have made an example of how the vote tracker will work inside…

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