Archive for January, 2013

Donate to the DE GOP because President Obama hurt John Sigler’s feelings – Also, up is the new down.

Filed in Delaware by on January 22, 2013 4 Comments

What a clown this Sigler is. From the first sentence, this fundraising letter shrieks – “Don’t take me seriously.”


Yesterday, Barack Obama was inaugurated to a his second term as Commander-in-Chief. In his address to the nation, the President displayed a lack inclusion that we all hoped would not show up in an inaugural address, but equally feared would.

The journey into the alternate reality that every Republican must live in continues from there…

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Tuesday Open Thread [1.22.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 22, 2013 52 Comments

The New York Times has a good graphic identifying the notable public officials sitting on the Inaugural Platform with President Obama yesterday. You know you are a political freak when you don’t need the NY Times’ help to identify anyone.

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Korn Asserts Innocence

Filed in National by on January 22, 2013 42 Comments

I got this in the email yesterday or the day before. Who remembers? Anyway, here is a press release from Out of the Box Communications, which is a political consulting firm that I suppose Korn has retained, and which is also a firm that at one time Korn either worked for, ran, or had a financial interest in (but that is all really irrelevant). What is relevant is the statement, and you will notice something interesting…

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Reaction to the Inaugural Address

Filed in National by on January 22, 2013 3 Comments

I think Andrew Sullivan is right: Obama is the liberal Reagan. The speech yesterday will be a mission statement for Progressives for the next two to three generations, much like the Inaugurals of FDR were to older generations of progressives and how Reagan’s were to conservatives.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Filed in National by on January 22, 2013 14 Comments

Lotsa fascinating (and otherwise) bills introduced last week. Let’s take a look, shall we? You can follow along here, here, and here. For those with limited time, the first here here has the most there there. There there now, it’ll be alright.

First, and least, we have parts of the Rethuglican legislative agenda, courtesy of Rep. Ruth Briggs King. It’s what you’d expect. Opposition to strong automobile emission standards, and two more shots at prevailing wage, HB 6 and HB 7. Thanks for playing. King also tackles the rampant problem of ticket-scalping at the Delaware State Fair. Ticket scalping elsewhere would presumably still be OK. As far as I’m concerned, anybody willing to pay excessive prices for whatever big empty hat country performer the Fair brings in has a right to pay excessive prices. Although it might not leave enough $$’s to pay for a few rounds of ammo, which would be a shame.

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Roe v. Wade Turns 40

Filed in National by on January 22, 2013 2 Comments

40 years ago today, the Supreme Court voted, with a 7 to 2 majority, in favor of Roe. Most people still agree with that decision.

More than 50 percent of Americans believe abortion should legal in all or most cases while 70 percent want the landmark Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade to be upheld, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Monday night.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [1.22.13]

Filed in Delaware by on January 22, 2013 2 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [1.22.13]

Looking down Port Mahon Road towards the Delaware Bay at Port Mahon.

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President Obama’s Inaugural Address

Filed in National by on January 21, 2013 3 Comments

If you didn’t get a chance to see or hear it all, we have the video inside.

The Washington Post has the transcript of the remarks as they were to be delivered. I’ve been thinking about alot of this (and this speech *is* more progressive than the 2009 one), but the piece that really speaks to me is this one:

It is now our generation’s task to carry on what those pioneers began. For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers, and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. Our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. Our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see America as a land of opportunity; until bright young students and engineers are enlisted in our workforce rather than expelled from our country. Our journey is not complete until all our children, from the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalachia to the quiet lanes of Newtown, know that they are cared for, and cherished, and always safe from harm.

It is tough to object to what looks like a goal of a more perfect freedom for all of us.

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Inauguration Day Festivities Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 21, 2013 19 Comments

Today is the public celebration and commemoration of the inauguration of President Barack Obama for his second term. There’s probably plenty of coverage on TV of the leadup to the main event, which looks like it starts around 11. For those of you following the events, this thread is for you to comment on whatever strikes your fancy. If you are at work, you can see Inauguration events live streaming from CSPAN, the White House website (not until 11:20), NBC News, CNN and others. If you can only listen, NPR will start its coverage around 11 or 11:30 and WDEL will start coverage around 11:30. The Delaware Democrats are having a watch party at Timothy’s starting around 11:30, but I think that if you haven’t RSVPed before now, they are probably all booked up.

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They Blinked

Filed in National by on January 21, 2013 4 Comments

Last Friday, the House GOP emerged from their retreat waving their white flag, noting that they would not hold the economy hostage (at least for another 3 months) over extending the debt limit. Given that this weekend has been largely given over to inauguration news and thoughts on the next 4 years, there hasn’t been a ton of attention on this — which is probably why they surrendered in a Friday afternoon news dump.

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Inauguration Day Daily Delawhere [1.21.13]

Filed in National by on January 21, 2013 1 Comment
Inauguration Day Daily Delawhere [1.21.13]

A blast from the past…

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Sunday Open Thread [1.20.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 20, 2013 4 Comments

Today, at this very moment actually, 12 pm on January 20, 2013, the first term of President Obama and Vice President Biden expires. Now, the public Inauguration ceremonies will take place tomorrow as is tradition when January 20 falls on a Sunday. The last time it happened was in 1985 for President Reagan’s second inaugural. The political geek in my almost wishes that both the President and the Vice President did not take their private oaths of office today (as Biden and Obama have already done), and instead we get a day of weeping with a President Boehner (who as Speaker is next in line after Biden to the Presidency). A President Boehner for one day would have been a very real possibility if, heavens forbid, Mitt Romney had been elected. Given his devout Mormonism, it is an open question whether Romney would have taken even a private oath of office today. But my love of country outweighs the political geekdom in not wanting to see Romney elected just so we get a President Boehner for a day.

Here is Vice President Biden’s private swearing in earlier this morning, and I will have the President’s private swearing in video once it is posted:

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Frank Knotts Leaving Delaware Politics Blog

Filed in National by on January 20, 2013 43 Comments

Frank Knotts, longtime contributor to, has written his farewell post.

I have come to the conclusion recently that Delaware Politics has taken a turn down a path that I am no longer comfortable with traveling. there are some who will say it was I who made a turn, and that may be fair, but whatever the case, I see myself and the management here heading in two separate directions.

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