Archive for January, 2013

Sunday Daily Delawhere [1.20.13]

Filed in Delaware by on January 20, 2013 3 Comments
Sunday Daily Delawhere [1.20.13]

A covered bridge near Yorklyn on a snowy day.

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Jack Markell makes an ass out of himself to Politico

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 19, 2013 36 Comments
Jack Markell makes an ass out of himself to Politico

Social Security, Schmocial Security. Jack Markell plays into Heritage Foundation frames, while undermining Democratic values and Party unity for the benefit of Politico. It is just sad.

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Late Night Video — ‘It’s not your Second Amendment rights that are under attack — it’s all the other ones’

Filed in National by on January 19, 2013 0 Comments

Bill Maher — when he’s right, he’s right.

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Saturday Open Thread [1.19.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 19, 2013 16 Comments

Here are the weekly addresses from our President and Governor, plus the West Wing Week.

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Speaker Pete Burying Port Bill?

Filed in National by on January 19, 2013 17 Comments

Signs point to yes. On Wednesday, January 16, the Senate passed Senate Bills 1, 2, and 3: Senate Bill 1, which pertains to the Bank Franchise tax, was assigned to the House Business Uber Alles Committee, will be considered in committee on Wednesday, and likely voted on by Thursday. Senate Bill 2, which is […]

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Les Miserables was great… just face it

Filed in National by on January 19, 2013 8 Comments

I saw it last night at the People’s Plaza Regal Cinema. It was great. And that isn’t some empty praise from a musical theater fanboy. I typically hate the modern Andrew-Lloyd-Webber-Cameron-Mackintosh bullshit musicals that are all singing. (Throw some dialogue in for Christsake so people know what the hell is going on. Would a couple sentences of exposition kill you Sir, Lloyd-Webber?)

Anyway, I know you want to hate it, but suck it up. It was great.

My one quibble has to do with the fact that the musical compresses time so much that it appears the Revolution of 1848 lasted for one day. In fact, the socialists swept the Bourbon monarchists out of France for good and for a time ran a government with a government under the banner of Liberté, égalité, fraternité, establishing that ‘The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789’ would be a guiding force in France going forward.




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Saturday Daily Delawhere [1.19.13]

Filed in Delaware by on January 19, 2013 1 Comment
Saturday Daily Delawhere [1.19.13]

A couple houses along the beach in Bethany Beach.

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Shoot this guy

Filed in National by on January 18, 2013 11 Comments

Armed Guard Hired In Newtown’s Wake Leaves Gun In Bathroom

2:17 PM EST, Friday January 18, 2013 An armed guard at a Lapeer, Mich., charter school — hired in the wake of the Newtown massacre — made a “breach of security” this week when he left his gun unattended in the bathroom…

Not the Onion.

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Friday Open Thread [1.18.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 18, 2013 8 Comments
Friday Open Thread [1.18.13]

A new New York Times/CBS News poll finds 51% of Americans approve of the way President Obama is doing is job with 41% disapproving.

“Mr. Obama’s job approval rating is similar to that of George W. Bush at the start of his second term, but much lower than the ratings of the previous two presidents who served eight years. (President Bill Clinton’s approval rate was 60 percent in January 1997 and Ronald Reagan’s was 62 percent in January 1985.) More than 8 in 10 Democrats approve of his job performance, 8 in 10 Republicans disapprove and independents are evenly divided.”

Meanwhile, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that 49% of Americans hold a negative view of the Republican Party while 26% have a positive view.

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GOP Rape Sensitivity Training Program

Filed in National by on January 18, 2013 8 Comments

The Republican Party has sent itself to rape sensitivity school.

And it may have added new urgency to a training program that’s already being launched by an anti-abortion group — the Susan B. Anthony list — to keep candidates and lawmakers from continually making the same kind of comments that may have helped ruin Republicans’ chances of winning the Senate.

I agree the GOP needs a course in Rape Sensitivity, but that’s not what this course is shaping up to be.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [1.18.13]

Filed in Delaware by on January 18, 2013 0 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [1.18.13]

The Sussex County Courthouse in Georgetown.

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Thursday Open Thread [1.17.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 17, 2013 7 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [1.17.13]

President Obama and Democrats have won the debt ceiling messaging war, according to the new Washington Post ABC News poll.

President Obama heads into his second term with political momentum on his side, and leads congressional Republicans when it comes to dealing with the country’s debt limit according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

More Americans now approve of the way Obama is doing his job than at any point in the past three years, except for a fleeting spike upward after the killing of Osama bin Laden. The number seeing him as a “strong leader” is sharply higher, and a clear majority again sees him as empathetic with the problems they face.

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Double Shot O’ Somnambulo

Filed in Delaware by on January 17, 2013 1 Comment

I’m back on Al’s show today following my truncated appearance (please, no jokes about my truncated appearance) on Tuesday due to the swearing-in ceremony for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor.

We’ll be talking the Port of Wilmington, the Governor’s State of the State, and we will also (if they let me) introduce my new theme song, written by me. (Well, the lyrics, anyway.) Depending on how much time we have, I might even talk some Tom Gordon, Walmart, Lance Armstrong, and maybe even the bizarre story of Manti Teo’s dead fictitious girlfriend.

Today, Thursday, at 10 am on 1150 WDEL-AM Newsradio.

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