Archive for January, 2013

House GOP Priorities Include a Continuation of the War on Women

Filed in National by on January 10, 2013 16 Comments

Rescuing anon’s comment from the Open Thread, Paul Ryan has decided that his first signature act of this new Congress would be to cosponsor a bill that would give legal rights to a zygote. Bills like this were roundly defeated everyplace they came up in 2012, if they even survived legal challenges. So this is the signal, right? That the GOP intends to beat their own record for the Worst Congress Ever.

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The GOP’s radical embrace of nullification

Filed in National by on January 10, 2013 5 Comments

Last fall Steve Benen wrote about the GOP’s attempts to nullify federal law related to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau by refusing to vote on the nomination of Richard Cordray to lead the agency. My take is that the GOP’s radical embrace of nullification has become their standard operating procedure and they flat out don’t give a flying fuck about the effects that it could have on the country or the Constitution. If it “hurts” the President – they are for it. If it “helps” the President they are not only against it – but they are willing to go to war over it.

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Joe Scarborough Claims He’s Not A Chauvinist By Acting Like A Chauvinist

Filed in National by on January 10, 2013 16 Comments

First, Mika didn’t call Joe a chauvinist, but she should have.  Check out the part where he snaps his fingers at her.  Unbelievable!  He also never lets her finish a sentence… he’s too busy mansplaining. [youtube][/youtube] Joe Scarborough is a chauvinist.

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Would You Use This Product?

Filed in National by on January 10, 2013 11 Comments

Every time I see a commercial for Low T (and there are a LOT of them) I end up talking back to my television.  Here’s the reason why: Direct contact with the application site can expose others to this medication. Women and children should avoid contact with the unwashed or unclothed area where the medication […]

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Thursday Open Thread [1.10.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 10, 2013 12 Comments

President Obama nominates his Chief of Staff, Jack Lew, to head the Treasury Department and the Republicans are having a fit. Why? Jon Chait has the answer:

Lew’s disqualification, according to numerous Republicans quoted in the story, is that he doesn’t agree with Republicans on public policy issues. The quotes are sort of amazing:

Johanns said it’s also about policy, saying a Lew choice would be “controversial.”

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Australia Is Really, Really Hot

Filed in National by on January 10, 2013 4 Comments

Take it away, Mr. Pierce: Australia is simultaneously burning down and melting, which is a considerable climatic feat when you think about it. There are gas stations that can’t pump fuel because it vaporizes too quickly. It’s gotten so bad that they have had to change the weather maps. “The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has […]

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [1.10.13]

Filed in Delaware by on January 10, 2013 0 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [1.10.13]

Hockessin Friends Meeting House, on Old Wilmington Road in Hockessin. The meetinghouse was built in 1738. General Charles Cornwallis’ troops are known to have spent a night here. Those traitorous Quakers!

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Gunman Roams (near?) Wilmington University

Filed in National by on January 9, 2013 14 Comments

A robo-call from the University warns students of a man armed with what looks like an assault weapon.

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Wednesday Open Thread [1.9.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 9, 2013 9 Comments

When can you say an idea is gaining momentum? The WSJ had an essay on Saturday calling the War on Drugs a Failure. To be sure, this essay did not appear on the famously wingnutty WSJ Opinion page, but still. I’m intrigued by these articles that point out the high cost of some of our worst social decisions — it is looking like we are trying to give ourselves permission to get smarter and stop throwing so much money down the drain:

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Sounds Like It’s Not Only Corporations That Are People, My Friends

Filed in National by on January 9, 2013 11 Comments

For the life of me I can’t figure out the rationale behind this: The Tucson Police Department also held a gun buyback Tuesday. Police want to destroy the 206 firearms turned in to them. But the National Rifle Association says that would violate Arizona law. […] Todd Rathner, an Arizona lobbyist and a national board […]

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [1.9.13]

Filed in Delaware by on January 9, 2013 1 Comment
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [1.9.13]

The Wilmington Skyline as you coming down off the 95-495-295-141 Interchange Hell.. er ah… Hill.

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Bitter one percenter stiffs waitstaff

Filed in National by on January 8, 2013 71 Comments
Bitter one percenter stiffs waitstaff

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Tuesday Open Thread [1.8.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 8, 2013 4 Comments

Boehner caves already, admitting that the House Republicans’ threat not to raise the nation’s debt ceiling in budget negotiations with President Obama is an empty one.

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