I John Sigler, being a clown and having no irony sensors….

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 13, 2013

The least serious person in Delaware politics, a guy who couldn’t sign up one single decent statewide candidate, projects his unseriousness on the President.

“It’s that time of the year again — when President Obama pretends he’s concerned about the weak economy and the soaring national debt. But the citizens of Delaware have heard enough State of the Union addresses from President Obama to know the truth: he’s not serious. He’s not serious about creating jobs. He’s not serious about deficit reduction. He’s not serious about spending reform.

The doofus tumbles ass backwards into a truth here. He, John Sigler, is sick of hearing the President. He has heard enough. But he is antsy because he knows that he is going to hear a lot more. Mainly because his party is full of nut bags who think sobbing is a legitimate argument, and stamping their feet is evidence. He hasn’t quite made the connection between the GOP’s lack of seriousness and their electoral misfortunes, but you can tell he is groping his way toward the truth.

If he cared about the deficit, he would have kept his promise to cut it in half by the end of his term. If he cared about job creation, he would not have dismissed his Jobs Council earlier this month. Delaware voters know what the President and his fellow Democrats are really after: higher taxes. But taxes have already gone up – not just on the rich but on everyone who collects a paycheck. Now is the time for real solutions and real reforms that put more money in Americans’ pockets and creates a better future for the next generation.

Sigler just gave Norquist a tiny mouse boner with that one, and yet…cut and paste wignuttery appears to be a dying art form. Sigler neglects to spout his baseless claims about how government regulations are choking business. Sigler never fetches the threadbare falsehoods about lower taxes create jobs out of the clown car.

He is slipping.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. kavips says:

    I hope they keep him as chairperson. Perhaps he could chair the National Party too?

  2. mediawatch says:

    As for having no irony sensors, wonder what Mr. Sigler thinks of Gov. Markell cutting short the economic development trip to India which Mr. Sigler so roundly criticized … in response to the tragic shooting at the New Castle County Courthouse about which the former NRA president has been so remarkably silent.