My Valentine’s Day Gift To You – When Trolls Are Awesome!
So this happened…
After some Reddit/4chan MRA babies tried to make #INeedMasculismBecause happen on Twitter today (co-opting the popular feminist meme, because EYEROLL), it blew up in their faces bigtime. The hashtag was gleefully hijacked by the normal, thinking humans of Twitter, who are currently churning out hundreds of tweets lampooning Men’s Rights talking points.
Here are some of my favorites:
8 Feb
Jamie Kilstein @jamiekilstein # INeedMasculismBecause maybe one day there will be a male president.
# INeedMasculismBecause I talked to a girl once and treated her like a human being and she DIDN’T blow me in return for the favour.
#INeedMasculismBecause i am so bad at being likable that i’ve had to create an elaborate force field of imagined persecution to justify it
Go read and enjoy the trolling by smart, insightful people. Personally, I think this is an amazing Valentine’s Day gift!
Tags: feminism
I didn’t understand, Reddit/4chan, MRA babies, or #INeedMasculismBecause but those twitters were funny.
Hash Tag, I don’t get hash tags.
Hashtags? Reddit? I don’t know about that newfangled stuff the kids are doing these days. Do I need a Twitphone to read it? Or maybe a Facepad?