Thursday Open Thread [2.21.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 21, 2013

There was this Star Trek: The Next Generation episode that had the Enterprise caught up in a stampede of these one dimensional interstellar beings who were heading towards a Quasar or a Pulsar of some such thing that would immediately destroy them, and the Enterprise. The valiant crew of the Enterprise tried throughout the episode to make these beings realize that, if they continued on their current course, they would destroyed upon collision with the Quasar thingy. And yet, in the end, it was revealed that the Quasar is the one place in the universe that these beings wanted to go, even if it meant their destruction. Much like a moth to a flame, or a bug to a bug zapper, or lemmings to a cliff, sometimes beings have instincts to force them to take an action that will result in their death.

Republicans have spent decades, generations even, ranting on and on about cutting government spending. So now matter how politically damaging the coming Sequester Cuts are going to be for these Republicans, no matter how economically damaging they are going to be for the rest of us, they don’t care. It is instinctive. The Sequester Spending Cuts are the Republican’s long dreamed of destination: massive spending cuts at last. Sure, they may complaint about the cuts in military spending, or that this is Obama’s Sequester, but if the Republicans really really wanted to avoid the sequester it is within their power to pass legistlation today repealing it. The Senate will pass that repeal and the President would sign it. So the only reason they don’t repeal it is because the Sequester is the one place in the universe where these beings we call Republicans want to be.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    It is 98% of what Boehner wanted.

  2. jason330 says:

    The Onion’s tips for not accidentally murdering your girlfriend can apply to spouses as well.

    In today’s fast-paced world, it seems like just about any guy can accidentally kill his girlfriend at virtually any time. Here are some easy strategies to avoid inadvertently murdering your girlfriend:

    – Be sure to avoid firing a gun in the general direction of your girlfriend, regardless of the situation.

    -Shy away from doing anything that may cause your girlfriend a massive amount of blood loss, such as beating her, stabbing her, or shooting her multiple times.

    -Consider performing a task that has a low risk of accidentally murdering your girlfriend, like giving her flowers, taking her to dinner, or letting her continue living and breathing.

    -Remain generally cognizant of the fact that three gunshots to the head and torso will, in most situations, fatally wound a person, and that this fact will, therefore, likely apply to your girlfriend as well.

    -If there is a locked door in your home and there is even a remote possibility that the person you’re currently dating is behind that door and could be immediately killed by the bullets you fire at the door, try not to fire a gun directly at that door.

    -In general, if there is something that you think might cause your girlfriend to stop living, don’t do that thing.

  3. Cobain says:

    I was expecting comments today on how great Tom Gordon is for fighting for ethics reforms

  4. Jason330 says:


  5. V says:

    special request. can you go over to mike’s blog and write a response post here to his assertion from yesterday that people who are for gun regulation hate rape victims?
    pretty pretty please?
    with a cherry on top?
    *waits eagerly*

  6. pandora says:

    I haven’t seen that post… give me a minute.

    Anything for you, V.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Pencader Charter’s charter has been revoked by the state BoE. They close in June.

  8. Roland D. Lebay says:

    Via reddit:

    And the right wingers want to blame Obama for the increase in food stamp recipients during his presidency. Bitch(es), please!

  9. Ezra Temko says:

    And now they (the Republicans who won’t stop the sequester) are calling it the Obamaquester.